Kinky Phone Sex is all I Have

kinky phone sexKinky phone sex is the only sex I want. I’m in my sexual prime. You may not know this, but the older women become, the kinkier they become too. My days of boring missionary sex are long over. I don’t care about being a proper woman. Proper women are boring. I want to be a whore. My son is in college. He goes to school locally but lives in a fraternity house. He visits me a few times a week because he can’t get enough of his mommy’s pussy. I decided Monday night to pay him a surprise visit. I wanted to fuck him in his bunk bed in his frat house. Everyone there knows I am his mother, but not everyone knows about our special relationship. They do now. When I walked in, they called my son’s name. One of his brothers yelled to him that his hot mother was here. I was horny as fuck. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his bedroom. His brothers were cheering him on. I think they always suspected what was now confirmed.  I knew his brothers were likely listening at the door, so I didn’t try to hide my pleasure. I screamed and moaned like a banshee as my son and I had incest sex in his frat house. His brothers got jealous. They barged in and insisted on joining in on the fun. The more the merrier I always say. I got carpet burns now. The first ones in a while. But, those horny college studs were giving me the porn star treatment. I spent the night in a frat house getting gang banged better than a college coed. I did my first walk of shame this morning. I wasn’t parked close. I walked right out of a frat house looking freshly fucked, found my car and came home to start my job as a mommy phone sex slut.

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