Kinky Phone Sex Gets Kinkier in a Family of Whores

kinky phone sexKinky phone sex gets even kinkier in a family of incest whores. Due to a bomb threat, the superintendent closed our local schools today. Turned out it was not a credible threat. But we got a day off for family fun. My niece, my three sons and I entertained ourselves. Luckily for me, I am off on Fridays, so I could spend some morning time sucking teen cucks and eating teen pussy.

My niece recently became a teenager. It has been incredible to see her grow from this little schoolgirl sweet and innocent into a family whore, a daddy whore and a DILF whore. She loves older men. And they sure do love her.  She misses her daddy, so I know these adult men she plays with serve as surrogates for her father. Her daddy travels all over the world as a pilot. And she needed stability. So, now she lives with me.

Everyone In My Family Loves To Fuck Each Other

We are all incest sex whores in this family. But I love seeing her blossom into this cum guzzling, cock greedy whore. And her hormones rage like all girls her age. Before she never wanted to play with her cousins. But those teenage hormones kicked in. And now I have competition for my sons’ cocks, LOL. Not really. We share well in this family.

My boys loved having two pussies to fuck. And I loved eating their cum from her cunt. While my sons recuperated between rounds, my niece and I entertained them with mutual pussy licking. And that brought their cocks back to life quickly. They love watching me eat pussy. Any pussy too. Their aunts, their cousins, even schoolgirl friends and my fellow mature sexy women. I get so wet eating my niece’s cunt, especially when my boys fuck me from behind at the same time.

Although I could have fucked them all day long, eventually they wanted to play with their friends. And that worked out for me because I wanted to play with you.


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