Kinky phone sex daughters make daddies cum inside them!!!

 Kinky phone sexKinky phone sex daughters make daddies cum inside them!!! As your fertile little breathing princess I know that the more cummies I get up my womb the more likely that I’m going to get pregnant with my next bratkin. And Valentine’s Day was no different, having my daddy come and me and my sisters all night long. He said he was playing Russian roulette with our little wombs.

A game of chance, perhaps impregnating me and another sister at the same time! How can I help it if I love how good Daddy’s cock feels shooting his sperm inside of me? Being a good girl and carrying daddy feed again is all I want for my Valentine’s Day gifts. A new little bouncing bundle of joy to round out our family! Potato says that I can’t just try with his cock. I need to have my uncle and my big brothers fill me up too.

Kinky phone sex daughters make all the sexy daddies cum inside them!!!

And sometimes Daddy wants to add new men to the family. Those men are our farm hands and our workers here at the marijuana farm. He says making someone a daddy by having offspring helps our family to become a rich bloodline. I never thought about it that way!

So any man who wants to use my little body to push his seed up inside of my belly it’s welcome to join our family! Now can you imagine me with my little Teen ass getting pumped so full of baby batter that I have no idea who my baby daddy is? It’s more than pregnant phone sex it’s about breeding your fertile daughter.

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