Kinky Phone Sex at the Glory Hole

kinky phone sexMy sweet little angels went on a family outing with me today. I was feeling extra naughty. I think sex education can never start too early. Neither can money making! My little sluts are the bread winners in this family. I can make good money off their tender age slut holes from wealthy white men. I meet most of their daddies online or out at clubs. I had an ingenious idea to take them to a glory hole today. I cleaned them up and put them in the cutest little dresses. Anytime I feel the need to suck some cock, I march my black ass down to the glory hole. At any given time on any given day, there is a line of white men wanting their cocks sucked. I thought it would be a great opportunity for my girls to hone their dick sucking skills as well as a marvelous opportunity to make some money. This one white cock came through the hole and I don’t know what made me do it, but I knocked on the wall. That means they can come over to the other side if they want more than just head! This handsome white man in a business suit appeared and he was shocked to see I had two little girls with me. I told them they were the ones sucking his cock. He looked me right in the eyes and said, “How much.” I made my offer higher figuring he would haggle the price a bit, but he pulled out a stack of hundreds and paid what I asked for. Money can buy you anything, especially young black pussy. My girls are perfectly trained slutkins. They worked their magic on our wealthy white patron’s cock. They drained his balls in their tight little cunnies and we all walked away happy. The best education comes from living not studying.

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