Kinky phone sex

Incest phone sexInez and I are having such a wonderful day! We decided to stay in bed all day long and do nothing but fuck, doesn’t that sound like tons of fun? I have been licking her sweet juicy pussy all day and let me tell you, nothing is sweeter than my baby’s cunnie, that’s for sure! And the way she eats my pussy… mmmmmm nothing is better! Except maybe when she fucks me with her big pink strap on cock, that feels incredible too. She had it buried deep inside my pussy when the doorbell rang, I didn’t want her stop stop so I just yelled for whoever it was to come in. Imagine our surprise when a couple of mormans came walking in, they wanted to talk to us about god and there we were naked as the day we were born and fucking right there in their face! The look on their faces was priceless! Me and Inez were laughing so hard we could barely breathe and those poor mormans ran away ask quick as they could, what a great day!

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