Keeping It All In The Family


I met my brother and his family for dinner; afterwards, we were taking his wife to the airport.  I was supposed to stay and help with their daughter.  I hoped that my brother and I could spend some intimate time together; and, I was excited that we’d be alone to do whatever we wished.

Dinner was pleasant; but I kept scrutinizing his wife comparing myself to her.  And, I always came out ahead; even though she was pretty. I knew that I had give, and could continue to give my brother so many things that she never could.  

During dinner, I noticed that my brother finished before everyone and I guessed that he was just really hungry.  And, his little girl crawled into his lap; he pushed over his own plate so she could put hers in front of them.  She began to eat slowly, taking long pauses; and, then, I noticed something.   When her eyes met mine, I knew: after all, she had the same look that I did so many years ago.  She was biting her lower lip and shifting, her face flushed.  Little “mhm” sounds escaped from her little, round mouth.

My brother looked at me and winked; instantly, my clit perked up.  He knew that I knew: he was fondling his daughter under the table.  I could imagine him stroking her soft cleft, devoid of hair, completely innocent.  I could recall being in her position.  But, I was becoming a little jealous. Didn’t he want to fuck me or had I gotten too old?  He seemed to read my thoughts and said, “I love you sis.”  He blew me a kiss, his hands still under the table; his wife remarked how sweet it was to have me there and I smiled.  I laughed at how stupid she was. How oblivious everyone in the room was; they didn’t know what was going on right there in that restaurant.  And, they’d never know.

Dinner ended, we dropped off the wife at the airport; my brother, his daughter, and I all watched as the plane disappeared.  We were finally alone. One big happy family and the night was just beginning. 

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