Incest Sex Lover MaryAnne Enjoys Alone Time with Her Niece Too

incest sexIt is no secret that I am an incest sex loving whore. And I have my siblings to thank for that. Without them, who knows, I may still be in a boring, loveless marriage raising three sons never knowing the joys of young cock. My brothers were young when we played, but so was I. So, that does not seem as taboo to me as fucking my schoolboys when I am in my 40s.

Although I only have sons, I am raising my youngest niece. And she is younger than my youngest son. But she is growing up so fast. When she first came to live with us a few years ago, she had no tits and ass yet. She had not even started her period. And now she’s fertile, with tits, hips and a cute bubble but. A hot young teen slut.

She and I have become super close. Her mom died of an accidental drug overdose and her father, my oldest brother, flies commercial airplanes for a living. He is almost never home. So, I agreed to help raise her and give her some stability. And now she is like the daughter I never had. This sexy mommy spent some quality time last night with her young niece. And it was long overdue. My boys went to spend the night with friends last night, leaving her and I alone.

I Love Quality Girl Time with My Niece

We both looked at each other when my sons left and said, “Girl time.” I drew us a bubble bath. I love taking baths with her. Reminds me of when my boys were younger, and I would get in the tub with them. I used to love to wash their hair and tug on their little chubbies. With my niece, I get to rub her bald slit and finger it too. After a kinky bubble bath, I painted her toes and fingernails. We watched one of her favorite movies, ate cheesecake and finger banged each other on the couch.

Just her and I, enjoying quality time together. And it felt magical. She slept in my bed with me. When she woke up this morning, she licked my pussy to wake me up. Once she saw my eyes open, she crawled onto my fucking aunt face so I would eat her bald cunnie. She woke up horny, wanting more oral pleasure from me. I really do love to eat pussy. My two big sisters taught me how when I was younger than my niece. Even though I missed my boys, it felt great to have some quality girl time with my niece.

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