Incest Sex, A New Begining

incest sex I will never forget that day. It was the first time I got to throw a birthday party for the twins. After everyone left I was happy to pose for the “baby daddy” in nothing but my pretty pink bra that matched my pink “suitable mommy clothes” skirt. I was so proud of the progress I had made so far in loosing weight since the twins came along. That was the night he introduced us to incest sex and how mommies and daddies are supposed to treat each other. He showed me how to be the kind of mommy that teaches the fruit of his loins how to honor, respect, satisfy and  make him happy. That was the best gift he ever gave us. He has been gone for a long long time, But we learned our lessons well. We never stopped loving each other. Nor will we ever stop trying to find a daddy that needs to be pleased the way we know he deserves to be.

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