Incest Phone Sex With Pregnant Auntie Kalinda Will Make You Melt!

Incest Phone sex

Do I have a secret for you, this pregnant pussy is all about having that nephew fun now! Did I mention that I am preggers? Yup, me aunt Kalinda has finally gotten the one thing she never thought would happen, being pregnant.

But, just because I am pregnant does not mean that I will stop having fun with all my baby daddies nd nephews. No sir, it actually means the opposite, I am going to have even more sexy aunt fun with my nephews, brother, and baby daddies.

I want all of their baby making cum inside of this tight fucking auntie pussy. I want it to fill my fucking cunt with sperm, their seed deep inside of my womb. I can feel their cocks inside of me know just pumping and pulsating and throbbing in anticipation of what is about to come, them.

I know you want to explode in this pregnant pussy, so why don’t you know that? Oh, you do? Good then come and take a ride on aunt Kalinda in all her pregnant glory. I mean I am simply glowing with sexual energy, cant you see it?

I sure as hell can, I have been so fucking hungry for cock its no joke when they say pregnancy increases sex drive. I already had a high sex drive too so I am in overload here. Jacking off all these cocks, getting them to explode inside me and fill my tight little pregnant cunt with their seed. Oh god, it’s the fucking best!

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