Incest is Best with a Sexy Therapist

I get calls from guys asking if its OK to fantasize about having sex with their mother, and I explain the very primal reality of loving our mother.  Mom is the first one who shows us intimacy so its only natural that a son would want to connect with his Mother that way.  What many people don’t realize is that Mom sometimes has the same need for the son that he has for her, and sometimes the Mother will initiate sexual activity without even realizing it.  Last week I was talking to a Mother who would go out of her way to drop her towel after a shower right in front of her son, and she’d bend over purposefully exposing her freshly shaved pussy.  She was telling me she didn’t realize she was doing that to him until he pointed it out to her.  She told me she thinks about sucking his cock, or riding him almost every day, but she had no idea she was teasing him like that.  Last night things got really exciting for her when she got into the shower and a minute later her son stepped into the shower.  She said he took her over with one arm around her waist and a kiss so powerful she couldn’t help but fuck him.  I assured her that this is not as uncommon as she would think, so if they both consented and had a good time then there’s nothing wrong with a little family fun time. 

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