Incest Family Thanksgiving Tradition

Incest phone sex camillaNana Camilla is wishing all her incest phone sex lovers out there a Happy Thanksgiving. A special shout out to Nana’s Joshie and Jovial Jay! I so wish you were here with us! Nana always does a big Thanksgiving feast. We fill the day with fun activities from watching the Macy Day Parade naked before dinner to watching football after dinner with lots of incest fun rules. Like if your team gets a flag you have to lick someone one time for each yard that the team is penalized. Between all the fun cooking and licking bowls and the food fights that means we have to lick each other clean. By the end of the day the turkey isn’t the only thing that is stuffed and the pies aren’t the only thing that is sweet and for dessert! Everyone spends the night after the feast from the oldest to the youngest and we all sleep in the living room. incest phone sex paradeWe move all the furniture put our favorite incest porn on loop on the DVD player and we spend the entire night having one big incest orgy. No one is ever where they started out the night before in the morning. We make sure to mark the first ten that fell asleep on the forehead with permanent marker because the day after all the fun and festivities, they are the ones that have to get up early and cook breakfast and cater to the rest of us all day.I am not sure how it started and I know it is a bit unconventional tradition, but I know it won’t end any time soon,  it works for us and we love it! Each year we look forward to all the crazy incest fun we will have together knowing that the next holiday, Christmas is going to be more intense. Happy Thanksgiving from Nana’s house to yours! incest phone sex macy santa

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