Helping Hands

mommy phone sex  So I had my nephew for a few days while he was on spring break. Yes, I am the cool aunt I let him bring his girlfriend over too. I almost forgot how horny teenagers can be. Every night I lay in my bed and masturbate to the sounds of them fucking. Last night though, I heard him ask if he could tittie fuck her. She laughed at him and said she didn’t know what he was talking about. So being the good aunt that I am I knocked on the door and asked if I could be of assistance. They got very quiet. When I opened the door they threw the blanket over them. So I calmly told them I was only here to help. I climbed onto the bed and stood the girlfriend up in front of me grabbing her nice firm tits. I told my nephew to place his hard cock between them. Then I squeezed her tits around it. He began stroking back and forth between them and I could tell they were both enjoying it. I replaced her hands with mine and started playing with her pussy while he continued on. I am proud to say they both got off at the same time. He covered both our faces with his delicious cum. Guess I’m the favorite aunt now.

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