Happy Flag Day


On this day June 14 we commemorated our wonderful flag so…Happy Flag Day everyone I had the most amazing flag day ever. Everyone in this country should respect our flag and our country and be proud. I have always had nothing but love for this country and its flag but nothing like I did today. I got a phone call to come to the door and there stood my brother that I have not seen in over two years because he was in the military standing there holding a flag in his hand that he brought for me. I grabbed him and pulled him right inside the house and did not hesitate to push my tongue right down his throat and start sliding my hand all between his legs to feel that cock that I missed so much. As he reached down the flag fell out of his hands on to the floor. We started caressing one another all over as we pulled each others. He took my hand and laid me down on the floor right beside the beautiful flag that he brought me. We made passionate love the way no other brother and sister has probably ever experienced. We laid there and held each other all night talking about him coming back. We fucked over and over again all night till we both could not cum anymore. I have a whole new love for this Day!

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