Give me a D!

Incest phone sex KirstenI am so very much excited about this up coming fall.  The boy that I am a Nanny for is joining football.  Honestly I am not sure how he will do because he is on the effeminate side, although he does try to be tough.  I could care less though.  The other reason I am excited is because his sister is joining Cheerleading.  Guess who is going to be the Cheerleading Coach? You guessed correctly. I am!

I get to be around sweet little darlings of both sexes!  All those tiny little legs sticking out from under their Cheer skirts.  Helping the boy get ready for games by putting his pads on, and his cup.  Watching as the girls jump up and down to cheer on their team.  Watching as they do high leg kicks to show off their spankies.  If you do not know, spankies are what the panties are referred to that girls wear under their cheer uniforms.

Of course I will wear my own Uniform.  Yes the football Moms and Cheer Moms might not like what I wear, but I bet the Football Dads, Cheer Dads, little football players, and cheerleaders will love it.  I know they will be thinking about how it would be for me to pull my spankies to the side, or pull them all the way off so that they can get a good look and taste of my pretty pussy.

Kinky phone sex Kirsten

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