Gilf phone sex takes on the granddaddy of crotch goblins.

Gilf phone sex            Gilf phone sex takes on the granddaddy of crotch goblins. No age limits, no limits of any kind, no barriers, no rules except mine. I know I am on sexy as fuck cougar. Going to pound the little pussies of the crotch goblins. Take the tiny little young penis’, play with them.

            Dominating over the young, the old, the middle aged, at the same time cracking the whip on granddaddy’s who try and play nice. No place like home, unless of course you are in a dungeon. Never too old to have a whip cracked on your ass, or as the saying was once spare the rod suffers the demons. Haha or close to it.

            Kinky phone sex takes on the young and old alike. Nothing is kinkier than the taboo that should not be discussed. Obviously, we do it though. Now, would you like to watch me bring pain to the sluts and the cocks of the world. We aren’t in Kansas anymore. Go somewhere over the rainbow and for fucks sake the little demons could be midget men.

            Licking the lollipop and now the question is am I Dorothy, Glinda, or the wicked witch of the west. It must be remembered I am dominant but at the same time punishing all the little midgets oh I am so the like the wicked witch.

            Bend over and take in the rear. This Gilf takes on the granddaddies of all the crotch goblins.

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