GILF Phone Sex Brings All the Young Studs to My Yard

gilf phone sexGILF phone sex is just as hot as any kind. When you fuck a grandma there are lots of perks. One, we have decades of experience. Two, we can no longer get pregnant so you can bareback us. Third, we are not so tight in any hole, so you can fuck any hole, even 2 at a time if you like. And finally, mature women are just kinkier. You know we explore more as we get older because we are in our sexual prime. All my grand angels appreciate me in their lives. And for the most part, so do their friends. My middle grandson is a teenager. He has horny teen friends just like him. Unlike them, however, he gets to bang a sexy gilf. But I told him that I was more than happy to enjoy his friends too. My oldest grandson used to share me with his high school friends. Now, he shares me with his college pals. I convinced my middle grandson to invite some of his teen friends over this weekend. I was jonesing for some young cock. I am always jonesing for that. He was afraid of what his friends might think, but I told him not to worry. I have been seducing teen boys for decades now. They never tell. They all want to bang a hot mature woman. I am ready to fuck any teen boy. And I assured my grandson that his buddies would think higher of him for banging me. Young boys love mature sexy women like me. It took some convincing, but my grandson agreed to bring a couple friends by. He picked out some winners for me too. Hot teen studs happy to fuck this sexy old cougar. It all went down like I expected too. The studs were happy to fuck me. They high fived my grandson and told him he was so cool. And they promised to never tell anyone if they could come back and fuck me some more. It was win win all around. Every young stud knows that fucking a granny is the best.

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