Fucking Family

Family Fucking Kathy


                The taste of your brothers cum dripping out of your pussy was sensational. Whatever it is he’s been doing has him tasting so much more delicious than before. Then again you’re pussy my sweet daughter, was dripping on my tits while he was riding you from behind and I couldn’t help but enjoy every drop hehehe. You both make mama so proud-watching you fuck one another to compete in showing me what you’ve learned while you were away. Guiding each tender spot as you please your dearest mother. I simply expected a family gathering but you gave me the whole family fuck I desired for later tonight. I bought both of you toys and we can’t forget about the rugrats we have coming over. We can play with their cunts and dicks too. Maybe you can even show them a few of those new positions to start since they have been so shy. I know they love the new couch and comforter I bought for the beds in the guest room. I always take a sneak peep while they rest their little heads.

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