Fucking Aunt MaryAnne Fills My Nephew with Thanks

fucking aunt

Fucking Aunt MaryAnne is on my nephew’s mind always. He told me that. I’ve fucked him most of his life, but now that he lives on a college campus less than an hour away from me, he visits often. And he brings friends. Since my family will be here for Thanksgiving this year, my nephew is going to stay this week with me. He will go back to Canada with his mom for the weekend and then back to school next week.

And I have been busy fucking. Over the weekend, it was me, my nephew and three of his frat boy friends. Plus, my sons were around too. So, I have been busy with family fucking. But not as busy as I will be when all my siblings and their family arrive. Sure, we will eat and play board games. Maybe even go to a movie on Black Friday. But we will fuck every chance we get too. Sort of what the holidays are about, right? Family time.

Holidays are Filled With Family Fun at My House

So, I was glad for the bonus frat boys for a couple days. I am a bit rusty when it comes to gangbangs. And that’s what happens when I am around my brothers and brothers-in-law and other nephews. I am the favorite fuck slut of the family.  Although I do have a teenage niece who handles all the family cock well too. My nephew and his pals, coupled with my three sons, gave my pussy a major workout. And I am glad. Now my fuck holes have been properly stretched out.

With my sons, I am usually either a three-hole whore, or like an assembly line whore where they take their turns with me. But three boys does not make me a gangbang whore. However, three sons, a nephew and three of his friends might. And 7 teenagers ravaged my pussy and ass all weekend long. Now, I am ready for my family. And I cannot wait for three days of gratitude and incest sex.

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