Fucking Aunt MaryAnne Encourages Her Nephew’s Panty Fetish

fucking auntFucking aunt MaryAnne took her nephew back to campus yesterday. He and his mother spent Christmas with us. Then afterwards he returned to Canada with her. But this weekend, he spent with his sexy aunt. He wanted some one-on-one time with me before school starts again on Wednesday. So, he came down Saturday. My boys went to their dad’s for the weekend giving me and my youngest niece some quality time with him.

The only cock in the family that rivals my baby brother’s big cock would be my nephew. He just falls short an inch. Needless to say, my nephew does well with the coeds on campus. However, he prefers a sexy mommy like me. But that’s because his family raised him in incest. Fucking your mother and your aunt as a young boy gives any young boy a thing for older women.

Boys Who Fuck Their Moms or Aunts Grow Up Loving Older Women

My nephew is a panty boy. Although I promised him that I would not tell anyone, I know you won’t say anything. As a young boy, he would smell and jack off in my dirty panties when he visited. But I encouraged that once I found out about his panty fetish.  Why would I stop him? Most men have a sort of sexual awakening with a pair of their mother’s panties. The smell, the feel and the look of the panties mesmerize boys in their sexual prime. Speeds up the process too.

So, since this weekend it was just us, we played panty games. I let him wear my soiled underwear all weekend. And I even gave him some to take home. He likes to smell my underwear and guess if clean or dirty. And he enjoys seeing if he can smell the difference between my panties and my niece’s little girl panties. My nephew looks and acts like a normal, heterosexual young man. And he is normal, and he is straight. He just likes to smell and wear the panties of mature sexy women. Can you relate?

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