Fuckalicious Fairy Mascot

sissy1Our Fuckalicious Mascot loves to be outted and humiliated. As a superior female I have decided to give her a special Christmas shout out. Our Tinkerbell Transvestite Sissy loves to sing songs. She wrote a wonderful one for Ms Darla when we were on vacation, so Ms Darla wrote one for her. All of us here at Fuckalicious would love to hear her sing her FuckaliciousFreaks Mascot song to the tune of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.sissy2

You know Mommies and Cutties
And Chubbies and Slaves,
Slutties and Honnies
And Subbies and Doms.
But do you recall
The most famous Sissy of all?sissy3

Sissy the PooPoo Pansy
Liked to play with her own poo
(it’s so stinky)
And if you ever smelled it
(smelled it)
You would say it smells like poo
(like the runnies)
All of the other Females
Loved to laugh and call her names
(like Pathetic Pansy)
They never let Prissy Sissy
(Teenie Weenie)
Play Superior Female games
(like A Big Girl)sissy4

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Levi came to say
(I’m your Dom)
Sissy with your faggy self
Won’t you be our Christmas Sissy Elf?
Then all the Females loved her
(loved her)
And they shouted out with glee
“Sissy our Fairy Fag
(Fruity Fag)
Our mascot you’ll always be!”

Sing it loud, sing it proud, sing it for us Sissy, you know you want to!reindeer

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