Foot Fetish

Family fun phone sexFoot fetishes are all so different because there are so many different variations of the foot fetish.  Some guys like shoes and stockings at all times, while other guys want to worship the shoes, the stocking and in between those toes.  I’ve talked to all kinds of different shoe fetish or feet fetish guys because ultimately its the same thing.  The nuances that make it different are simply left to personal preference.  I dated a guy once who had a foot fetish, but he didn’t like shoes at all.  That is a very rare fetish – the guy who just likes the feet in the bare position because most guys want to see their wives or girlfriends in shoes and clothes that make him happy.  When it comes time for him to play with me, I’d sit back and let him do what he wanted to because licking and sucking the toes had to happen for him.  It doesn’t matter what the fetish is, as long as you enjoy it then there’s no reason not too.  If it feels good – do it!

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