Father Figure

Incest phone sexI have had so many callers lately ask if they are bad or wrong because they enjoy the company of a much younger girl.  I tell them all the same thing, no it’s not bad or wrong because these girls are looking for a father figure.  These girls wouldn’t be with them if they didn’t want to, so I continue to explain that a younger girl who pursues an older man is in need of something just like he is.  She needs the experience or the authority the older man provides, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have dated a guy who was 16 years older than me because he reminded me of my uncle, and that is perfectly fine.  I met him and immediately felt drawn to him, so I would wear shorter skirts around him and lower cut tops in an effort to catch his attention.  Of course, I didn’t realize at the time that I already had his attention – all I had to do was talk to him and he would have asked me out. 

The day I spoke to him was the day I sucked his cock for the first time.  He was eating lunch and I walked up to him wearing almost nothing and I asked him if he would help me with my car.  He said he would so we went to the parking garage, and I started rubbing his cock and knelt down as I released it from his pants.  I sucked his cock hard for about 5 minutes, then I bent over and sweetly asked him to fuck me.  He grabbed me, turned me toward him and said if he was going to fuck me then he was going to look me in the eye while he did it.  He ran his fingers along my wet pussy, lifted me up and slid me down onto his cock.  I wrapped my legs around him and he fucked me until we both got off.  I had the best time and I learned so much when I was with him.  In my opinion an older man fucking a younger girl is beneficial for all involved and I know I will do it again soon.

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