Farm Slave for Brother

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My brother said that he had a surprise and wouldn’t tell me about it all until we got there; he drove for hours and we arrived at a farm. It was beautiful and I thought that we would have a splendid time, relaxing and swimming. Maybe I could even paint something! We went inside the cabin and he directed me to the kitchen. “Here,” he said and tossed me a maid’s outfit. “Oh, and take off your undergarments.” He handed me a piece of paper and went to the bedroom to change; but, when I followed him, he said that I should change there in the kitchen. I read the instructions on the paper and it provided various rules, like always call him “Master” and never look at him in the eyes. It also provided me with chores for each day and time. “You better get started; you’re already behind, girl,” he said as he emerged with an old hat and suspenders. I almost laughed but he berated me and I knew that he expected me to follow the rules. I began my long list of chores, which included fetching water from the well and milking a cow (which I hadn’t done since I was a little girl). Thankfully, my grandparents had a farm and I knew how to do some things!

In the heat of the day, I saw him come out and watch me sweat and struggle; he bent over one of the sheep and began fucking it. I was aroused and also jealous; I was the one working…why wasn’t I being rewarded like that? That night, he told me to fetch the well water and bring it to the tub to bathe; then, clean my filth out of the tub. Then, he led me to the pantry that had a small board in it; that was where I was supposed to sleep. It was uncomfortable to say the least and my back ached; when I saw the kitchen light come on in the middle of the night, I was hoping that my torture was over. He slid my nightgown up and began fingering me. Without giving me time to get wet, he picked me up, put me on the kitchen counter, and pushed his cock inside of me. We went on like this for several days until the end of our vacation. Before we went home, on the porch at sunset, he rewarded me with a beautiful diamond collar to remind me that I was his slave whenever he wished. And, I felt proud, but I was also glad to be going home to my own comfortable bed!

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