Family Reunion

mommy-phone sex kenSummer time is a great way to get together with the family. We can cookout, have a few drinks, listen to music, and fuck! Just like a good old fashioned family! Usually every year we all get together at my house to have an orgy fest. Uncles fuck nieces, mommy’s fuck sons, daughters fuck brothers, etc. The possibilities and combinations are countless but as long as no cock goes un-sucked and every pussy gets fucked the event goes as planned. I love to watch my little ones show their cousins the new tricks they learned over the past year. For those family members that are exclusively interested in me get a special treat. Usually about 4 of my uncles and a few curious nephews join me in the back room for a nice fun bukkake. No dick taste sweeter than the ones in my family. By the end of our gathering we all stand around for a family photo! My face is usually dripping with cum and the family is exhausted from fucking all afternoon. However, it’s always a good time when my family is around.

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