Family Fucking Summer Shindig

family fuckingFamily fucking summer party is almost here. I know we just had a family vacation, but before the grand angels go back to school we always have an end of the summer shindig. I let the grands invite some little friends too. Little friends that think would like to join in on the family fuck fest. Last year, that is how I met Jamie, a cute young boy that my middle grandson invited to our shindig. Jamie is biracial and seems to be only black in his cock. He stood thigh high to me with a cock well beyond his years. He was happy to see me from the get go. That little boy wasn’t shy because the first thing he said after nice to meet you ma’am was when can I see your boobs. I was shocked at his candor for his age. Then I found out that my grandson had been filling him in on our incest sex. I fucked Jamie that day and many more days to follow. In fact, he is a teen boy now and hornier than ever. He has quite a few white grandmas he services in my neighborhood. He gets older and his cock keeps getting bigger. I do love his black boy cock too. He is bigger than my teen grandson who is a few years older. He is bringing his baby brother to our party this weekend. He told me his brother has the big dick in the family. I can’t wait.

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