family fucking fun with bbc

family fucking

Growing up to be quite the slut, my family loved to tell me and remind me that I would have so many offers to fuck. They also never fail to tell me that they will have to approve any guy or girl who wants a piece of my ass. I know w they have my best interest, and they can determine if there’s a good fit for me. I brought over my new boyfriend, reed. He’s a 6’4 black guy who plays for the college football team. Family fucking is the norm, and I decided to let him in on my family secret. Reed was excited to meet my family. I brought him along, and my mom and dad were swooning for hiM. Word travels fast in my family. Before I knew it, I had a ton of cousins and aunts coming over to get a sneak peek at my hunky chocolate man. They all wanted to worship his magic stick. Reed was a-okay with giving us his chocolate meat log to adore and suck.

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