Family Fucking Fun

Family fun phone sex My brother showed up today and he was pissed. His girlfriend and he got into a fight over me. She is jealous every time he comes over. She knows he fucks the shit out of me more than he fucks the shit out of her. I tried to tell her we are a very loving fucking family and us girls will do anything we have no taboos or limits. Well trying to explain that to such a prude is a concept she does not understand. She has been present for a few family orgies but will only be with my brother and will only take it in the cunt. No ass no head! How fucking boring! Huh? We even got her drunk one night and slipped a few pills in her drink but still a prude. Lol, my brother is not too worried he knows he can get it from any one of his sisters, aunts, cousins or even mom anytime and anyway he wants.

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