exact replica

Many wonder why am I so close to my grandpa versus all my other cousins and siblings. There’s a reason why we are so close. I knew that my grandmother’s death took a toll on my grandpa. I was so close to my pawpaw that he felt like I was his special girl. He often would take lots of pictures of me. Grandpa loved photography and had dozens of portfolios of grandma. I reminded him so much of her that he had no choice but to gush about me being his sweet girl. I am even named after grandma Francine. One day I had on the cutest paisley dress my pawpaw’s eyes gleamed. He had to show me something. There it was a ton of photos of my granny Franny. It clicked. I was the replica of grandma, and that’s why my grandpa couldn’t get enough of me. We began to do our very own photoshoot completely nude. I would give grandpa the best incest sex to cheer him up. Of course, I made the first move kissing him and gently getting him to give in to his wildest fantasies. It was sweet and sensual and a little sad. I knew grandpa was reminiscing when granny was young. He began to penetrate me from behind while I felt his tears down my back. it was lovely and beautiful and it felt so nice to feel my grandpa’s huge cock take over my body.

incest sex


    • Harry on May 20, 2022 at 4:08 pm
    • Reply

    Incest is the best thing ever

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