Easter Plans


What are your Easter plans? Going to hunt eggs? I love Easter. It is such a pretty holiday. My little one and I are working on making traditions for our family. One is we always color eggs a few days before Easter. There are so many pretty colors. We have a lot of fun coming up with new designs for the eggs. This year we have decided to have an egg hunt at our house. We have passed out invitations to all our neighbors. Hopefully everyone will come and bring all their little ones. See my angel and I have a fantasy we are hoping to live out the day of our hunt. We have never played with any other little ones before. We are hoping to find a little one who wants to play a secret game with us. I just know everyone is going to come in their little dresses and suits and look just adorable. I have a cute little dress picked out for my little one to strut in too. The plan is to let my little one decide who she wants to play with. She even told me she will ask them to come to our secret place to play. I can not wait! I am getting so wet and excited just thinking about the possibilities of what might happen! 


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