Don’t you love this type of year? Everything is so new and fresh, including the little ones. It seems that at this point in the year more and more of them come out to see decorations and go trick or treating in their little costumes. Walking around all unsupervised; so worried about getting candy when actually they themselves are walking candy to us. Also the little brats start wearing more clothing that can work to our advantage. I mean scarves make perfect ropes for tying them up. The best part though is it means that the holiday season is on its way. I would love to put a little one on the table for thanksgiving and let my whole family put their own “stuffing” in them. We can just pretend the blood is cranberry sauce. That is exciting but we are not even at the best part yet. Have you forgotten that this weather like this means that Christmas is around the corner, didn’t forget did you? That’s right all the brats want to go and sit on Santa’s lap and ask for stuff for Christmas. It would be all too easy to bring the little brats to a tour of Santa’s work shop where they learn to work for what they want. I am sure all of your little elves with chubby dicks would love to bend their own little ones over their work benches and give them a real holiday treat. The elves would eat the little one’s cookies and then fill their mouths with warm milk and pass them to the next elf who would then do as he pleased before of course sending them down to the big man himself where he would punish those on the naughty list. Isn’t this time of year exciting!?