Domination Phone Sex for Sissy Bitches and Tiny Dick Losers

domination phone sexDomination phone sex can be expected with me, Madison, the mom of this naughty duo. My daughter is a switch. But I am never submissive. I am in my late 40s. Mature women deserve to be in charge. Morgan submits to real men. But with men with tiny dicks or sissy boys, she joins me in dominating them.

We went to the local adult bookstore the other night. She wanted a new vibrator, and I wanted a new strapon to fuck her with. Last one got a lot of use, but it was time to retire it, LOL. While at the bookstore we picked up this good-looking guy and brought him home to fuck. However, when he took his pants off, we got disappointed. What a big disappointment too.

The Size of Your Dick Matters to Us

This sexy mommy only shares worthy cock with her daughter. Just because she is submissive does not mean I want her sucking on a shrimp’s tail. If this loser had more than 3 inches, I would be shocked. And he referred to his cock as huge. At that point, we both burst out laughing. Our sex toys are bigger than that.

So, we overpowered him and showed him what big really means. We used our strapons to double peg him. I used my new big one on his loser ass. And Morgan used our old one in his mouth. The fucker tried to fight us off but once we were in him, he could not disengage us. I am sure this night did not turn out like he wanted. But in our defense, the night did not turn out like we wanted either.

I mean it would be like you picking up a hot chick in a bar, and once you have her home, you discover she has a cock. We fucked this loser hard. Likely did some damage to his backdoor pussy too. He did not want to get pegged like a sissy phone sex bitch. But we did not want to fuck a shrimp dick either. So, maybe he will think twice before telling any woman he has a big dick.

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