Doing it old school: Grandma phone sex for Christmas

Grandma Phone Sex

I can’t really explain how caught off guard I was tonight while I was pulled aside and forced to partake in Grandma’s phone sex. You see my grandma started off being a phone sex operator years and years ago, it’s kind of ran in the family to be totally honest with you. My mom got away from it to be a nurse, but she still tells stories.

Anyways, we were all gathered in the kitchen cooking when all of a sudden Grandma’s phone rang and she got all excited. The things I heard her say to this man were amazing. How he was worthless and although he’s loved her for years he’d never be good enough to sit at the table with her family. She momentarily stepped outside long enough to set the phone down. Just long enough to place a dog bowl filled with table scraps outside.

Returning to the phone I heard her chuckle telling the man that was all he was good for to come eat with the dogs like a good little bitch. Sure enough we saw this dark shadow creep out of the bushes on the side of the house. There he knelt licking from the bowl as we all watched in awe.

That however wasn’t even the best part! When she went out and got the bowl there was a whole wad of cash in it! I was shook!

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