Do you want to play?

grandma phone sexDo you want to play little girl? Grammy has your favorite toy here, ready to play with my favorite little darling! Don’t be shy, there’s no reason to be shy with me sweet girl. You always love to come to my house, I have the coolest toys, the yummiest food and I always make you feel ooooh so good. Better than anyone else can make you feel. Every time I teach you something new toy get a new toy, doesn’t that sound like a good idea my dear? I love to keep you happy! A smile on your cute little face, maybe we should get you a pretty little dress to match. Would you like that? I love dressing you up in those cute white stockings, those frilly little dresses you’re so adorable! I must take some pictures; you’ll only be this cute for so long, right?! You don’t mind posing for Grammy now do you? You’re so sweet and eager, I know you just want to make me happy and you are my good girl. Today you will have fun learning; we’re learning the art of modeling and photography. Do you know how many people you can make happy just by looking as perfect as you do?! I’ll make you a star my little princess, you just need to learn how to pose right and show me all you have… don’t worry it’s just for fun! Awe look at that smile, that will definitely get you any toy you desire, you’ve earned it! Now that I’ve snapped a few shots of just you, why don’t you take a few with me huh? We can show everyone how good you are at eating grammy’s kitty, hmm what do you think about that? And maybe you’ll let grammy show off your cute little ass? I am just so proud of my daughters offspring! Ahh, family! Oops, where has the time gone? It’s time for your reward; we’ve got to head to the store to buy you a new little toy for my good little one.

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