Dirty Aunt Phone Sex

aunt phone sexI love aunt phone sex. I have always been a dirty aunt, but until one of my nieces started living with me, I did not see my nephews and nieces much. This quarantine has been extremely hard on my young niece. She has not seen her father since Valentine’s Day. She is a daddy’s girl. Her little pussy misses daddy’s cock. They facetime every night before bed, but it is not the same. She was in her room yesterday and I got worried. She had been in there for hours, so I went to check on her. I heard moaning and a man’s voice. It was not her daddy’s voice, however. I peaked in to see if I could figure out what she was doing. There was a grown man naked on her computer screen stroking his cock. My niece was naked in her desk chair rubbing her pussy. I did not recognize the man as any of my brothers. Maybe she was not missing her dad as much as I thought. She seemed to be having a good time. I wanted to know who he was and where she met him. But I am a dirty fucking aunt too. I rubbed my cunt watching. When she disconnected with her older lover, I asked all my questions. She thought she was in trouble. I am not that kind of parent. I wanted to know the juicy details. I ate her sweet young cunt as she told me how she met him and what they have been doing. He is another dad of a school friend. She hit him up on Facebook and got him to tribute her money through Venmo in exchange for seeing her naked. She creamed hard on my face. I was impressed with her. When I saw her bank account, I was even more impressed. My niece is a little slut and an entrepreneur.


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