Crazy Bitch!

Kinky Phone Sex Andrea

In our country, we call this kind of woman ‘perra.’ It means all sorts of degrading things like bitch, slut . . . well, you see. This is the woman who my Papi was married to before we found each other. Ooh, she was so bad! During the divorce, she went crazy and tried to take advantage of me once. It was so scary. She came into the house while I was asleep, and Papi was on one of his business trips. I nearly jumped out of my skin–I see her standing there by the window–she had crawled inside! She came over to the bed, and was holding rope, I started breathing so fast, you can’t believe it. I said to her: “Stop! Do not try anything, I swear I will tell Papi and the police,” and she did not listen. She wanted to hurt me as punishment, and hit me over the head with a huge heavy lamp by the bed. Then I fell down onto the bed and went limp. She tied up my arms and legs to the bedposts, and when I came back to consciousness, there she was, hovering over me. She had a huge vibrator in her hand, and she shoved it down my throat.

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Tears pooled in my eyes, my teeth rattled, and I shook like mad as she shoved her hand up my little nightgown. It was so frightening, and she said to me: “Oh, you are dripping! You have a rape fantasy, don’t you?” She was crazy. She got her fist and clenched it at my entrance and shoved her whole hand up my pussy! It was so painful, and she pumped it in and out like a cock, stretching me open. All the time she was laughing, saying “I know you like it, it’s so HOT, isn’t it?” When I finally passed out from exhaustion of her horrible violation, she must have left. The next morning, I found a note on the side table while I was rubbing my head from the horrible blow of the lamp. It told me that she was going to take all of the flat-screen TVs in the divorce. There was a lipstick kiss mark as a signature. I would not allow this. She could take my dignity, but NOT my TVs. I told Papi immediately that this vile perra sexually molested me, and soon . . . we will get our revenge. Papi is so good to me. He is always looking out for my safety, pleasure, and best interests. I am so glad to have our TVs safe and sound. This perra got nothing.

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