Cougar Phone Sex

cougar phone sexI was very bored with my life. My husband is a prominent lawyer and is frequently away from home working on high profile cases. I used to have my son here for company, but he has gone to college about 4 hours away. He is on the baseball team. I spend my days shopping and having lunch with friends, but no matter of money overcomes the loneliness that haunts me. My son arrived yesterday to spend his Christmas break here and is bringing a friend. I am looking forward to not being alone through the holidays.

I think because my husband is traveling all the time, I miss that sexy feeling that you get when you know a man loves and adores you. As my son grow up into a teenage boy there were times that I thought things but then I thought maybe I am just seeing what I want to see. He would often come in when I was in the bathtub and tell me how his day at school went. Sometimes he would wash my back which made my body feel all tingly all over. I also looked to him for the emotional support that I was not getting from his dad. I am in love with me son and got jealous when he dated other girls because it took his attention away from me.

As we were having dinner, his friend John said to me “You have such a sexy voice, you definitely should be a phone sex operator. I blushed but I really liked the idea. I have never had my own money but an allowance from my husband. I found a great agency to set up for calls. I told my son how he and his friends could reach me to talk dirty and role play with Mommy. At first it was just the baseball team but within a few weeks my phone was ringing off the hook. I love my life as a Cougar sex phone operator.

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