Category: Sissy phone sex

Darla and The Dragon

mommy phonesex darlaA friend of ours created this wonderful cartoon picture of me and a dragon. so we got together and wrote a bed time story for Harley called Darla & The Dragon And this is our tale:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman named Darla. Her skin was creamy like sweet milk and between her legs was a golden nest that was warm and wet and could bring a ray of sunshine to the gloomiest day.
Darla had a closet full of the most beautiful silky underwear and lingerer. Handsome men would come from all over the world bringing her the finest silk panties and bras in exchange for spending time with her.
Darla loved the beautiful underwear but was sad because when the men would leave she was all alone.
One day while walking through the forest Darla came across a fire breathing dragon. He was horribly nasty and no one could make him happy. But when he saw Darla in her beautiful panties, he stopped and gazed in wonder.
As Darla got closer and the wind shifted, he could smell the sweet and musky scent coming from that golden place between her legs.
His heart instantly softened and he wanted to be near her, he needed her to sooth the savage beast with in him.
He approached her cautiously and she smiled at him sweetly slowly taking off her skimpy undies, showing him her perfect body. He took her in his claws and gently held her close, caressing her and loving her like no other ever had.
Darla came to him everyday and it wasn’t long before Darla’s belly began to swell. Soon she and The Dragon had a beautiful little one they named Harley.
Harley loved to wear his mothers panties and would dance and sing close by when his mommy and daddy were together in the woods. Darla was never lonely again.
And they all loved happily ever after. ~~~~The End

Double Humiliation Is More Fun

Sissy phone sex

Not everyone who calls me wants help or guidance, in fact they just want to be teased and ridiculed.  I got a call from a guy asking me to laugh at him and get a friend to help me humiliate him.  I am more than happy to do that, but I do like to make sure that it’s what you really want.  I received a call from a panty boy who wanted me to laugh at him for stealing his secretary’s gym bag and sucking her panties while wearing his wife’s panties. He told me he uses her panties to make himself panty soup by boiling them in water and drinking the juice. He does so many other things with the panties and the panty juice that he gets himself all worked up, and has to call me so I can laugh at him. 

When he called me the last time he really needed to have somebody else hear what was happening so I called Aubree to listen in, and I’m glad I did!  Double the laughter made him feel so much more humiliation about his fetish for young girls panties.  He kept confessing to fucking the shoes and wearing her gym socks on his cock and tying her gym shoes over the top of that. I would normally never take this approach, but he really needed and wanted to be made fun of and laughed at because that is his kink and he needed a fix!  However, I told him I would like for him to call back next week if he would like me to help him overcome this urge to be humiliated.

To Tell The Truth

mommy phonesex darlaOK now you have to tell the truth…
When was the first time you remember sneaking into the bathroom and digging through the hamper, sitting on the floor and sniffing the scent of your mommy or your sister’s pussy off their panties?
When was the first time you remember sneaking into your mommy or your sister’s room and rubbed their silky panties on your face, your dick getting hard with an overwhelming desire to put them on and feel them against your cock?
When was the first time you looked at your self in the mirror wearing your mommy or your sister’s panties and bra longing to put on their makeup and look just like them?
When was the first time you knew your dick was your clitty and that you wanted your vagina filled up just like your mommy and sister’s?
It’s OK you can tell the truth, I won’t tell, it can be our little secret!

Our Pathetic Sissy

hot phonesex sissybabyShe came to Princess Levi many years ago. Weak, inferior, needing to be shamed, outed and humiliated. Needing to be dominated by a superior female. A strong and dominant Princess that would control her every thought, know her weak and inferior needs before they were spoken. She was but a babe then, but her Princess would soon mold her into a submissive pathetic, cross dressing phonesex sissygliterbaby
Her Princess demanded much from her. Respect, obedience, and above all truth. In return Sissy began to blossom and grow. She learned to be subservient to beg for what she wanted and needed and before to long Sissy began to admit her true identity.
Sissy admitted that her life as a man was make believe. She wears silky sissy panties everyday under her man clothes. And she pierced her ears just so she could wear her pretty phonesex sissydiaper
Princess took control and would not allow Sissy to do anything without the permission of her superior female, for Sissy needed to be shamed and humiliated, it was her fate.
Her Princess set up Sissy days. These days are special to both Sissy and Princess. These are the days Sissy can be who she really is while being humiliated publicly for her Princesse’s pleasure. To prove Sissy is obedient she sends pictures to her Princess which brings her pleasure.
Princess tells all the girls at Fuckalicious all about the obedient Tinkerbell Fairy and she becomes the Fuckalicious phonesex sissyheart
Sissy begs for more humiliation, knowing that she deserves to be outed and shamed.
Princess shared Sissy with Ms Darla today and Ms Darla told Sissy to buy a set of earnings that are tiny little balls. Sissy will be wearing them at her next sissy day.
Who could be so famous here at Fuckalicious to become our mascot? Who begged for the honor of being humiliated and outed because she deserves it?
Who it is our very own PooPoo Pansy, Tinkerbell Fairy, Cross Dressing Sissy?
Why it is our very own Prissy Missy, all grown up and a true phonesex sissybubble

Harley’s Space Adventure

mommy phonesex darlaI often watch Harley play while rubbing my pussy. Just looking at him makes me so horny and he always can make me cum!
I heard him playing this morning and couldn’t resist creeping up to his bedroom door and taking a peek.
He looked so cute dancing around in his little pink tutu singing to his favorite stuffed animal. A cute and cuddly little lion he has had for years named King Leo. Harley is so creative, it amazes me. The song he was singing I had never heard before, so he must have made it up.mommy phonesex lion
“I love you Leo, yes I do
How I love to play with you
In the jungle there’s no snow
It’s a place I’d love to go
Just like me you have no tits
But don’t you roar having fits
You can pretend just like me
Wear your mommies bra-See?”

It was hard not to giggle but I didn’t want him to know I was watching as I kept rubbing my pussy and watching my sweet little sissy boy.
He and Leo got into a box that was decorated some time that morning. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly until he started an earnest conversation with Leo.mommy phonesex ship
“Mommy and I watched a movie last night Leo, it was very good. Some guys had to go in a space ship and blow up a big rock that was going to kill all the people. Some of the guys weren’t liked a lot but when they did a good job and no one on Earth died everyone liked them. We are going to fly into space and save all the people and when we get back they are going to love us so much that we can be just like our mommies with pussies and all! Just you wait and see! Are you ready?”
We had watched Armageddon. What an imagination my Harley has!
By this time I just couldn’t hold back any longer. My pussy was dripping wet and even though I had cum several times I needed Harley to help me have a real orgasm. It was time for mommy to join Harley and Leo for an adventure of our own. This is going to be delicious!

He Wants Tinkerbell

Harley and I watched the Tinkerbell movie a few weeks ago and he is insistent that he wants to re do his room from Thomas The Train to Tinkerbell. My sweet little boy that loves to dress in my panties and like a girl wants to do his room all girlie too. So I figured why not. Only I am going to give it a twist. You see the nice side of me says just go with the regular Tinkerbell stuff and do it up. But the naughty side of me wants to hook it up with nasty, sexy Tinkerbell to match the incest family fun that my sweet little sissy and I share. I have been searching the net and have found several things that we can use. Tinkerbell on cock and in black leather and riding pussy. I was amazed at all the naughty little Tinkerbell things I have been able to fine. With some creativity and loads of fun his room is going to be Tinkerbell porn at it’s finest. I can’t wait to get started. So far everything I have found and shared with Harley he has loved. To my delight!


hot phonesex lilly1Harley is at his Dads and I am here all alone reminiscing. I will never forget the first time I dressed Harley up like a little girl and took him shopping. How moist my pussy got seeing him in that pretty, frilly pink dress with laced panties peeking out from under it. It was all I could do not to rub my pussy with one hand while holding his and walking through the crowds of people.
But nothing turned me on like the first time I walked in my room and he was playing dress up all by himself. He had put on some of my sexiest panties and a bra that he had stuffed. He was at my vanity applying makeup in his little outfit. He turned and smiled at me, make up half done, lipstick spilling over his lips on to his face, rouge misplaced and far to thick and toilet paper hanging out of the top of his bra. In his little voice he said “Mommy don’t I look pretty, just like you?”
My pussy gushed and my heart skipped a beat as I scooped him up and laid him on the bed.
Laying here in my bed with my dildo working my pussy the memories are making me cum again!
I love my little sissy boy!

Fuckalicious Fairy Mascot

sissy1Our Fuckalicious Mascot loves to be outted and humiliated. As a superior female I have decided to give her a special Christmas shout out. Our Tinkerbell Transvestite Sissy loves to sing songs. She wrote a wonderful one for Ms Darla when we were on vacation, so Ms Darla wrote one for her. All of us here at Fuckalicious would love to hear her sing her FuckaliciousFreaks Mascot song to the tune of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.sissy2

You know Mommies and Cutties
And Chubbies and Slaves,
Slutties and Honnies
And Subbies and Doms.
But do you recall
The most famous Sissy of all?sissy3

Sissy the PooPoo Pansy
Liked to play with her own poo
(it’s so stinky)
And if you ever smelled it
(smelled it)
You would say it smells like poo
(like the runnies)
All of the other Females
Loved to laugh and call her names
(like Pathetic Pansy)
They never let Prissy Sissy
(Teenie Weenie)
Play Superior Female games
(like A Big Girl)sissy4

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Levi came to say
(I’m your Dom)
Sissy with your faggy self
Won’t you be our Christmas Sissy Elf?
Then all the Females loved her
(loved her)
And they shouted out with glee
“Sissy our Fairy Fag
(Fruity Fag)
Our mascot you’ll always be!”

Sing it loud, sing it proud, sing it for us Sissy, you know you want to!reindeer

Holiday Fun With Mommies

Since my Mommy left me when I was very young and it is Christmas time, I decided to hang out with a few Mommies that I have gotten to know really well. Hanging out with Lauren, Darla, and Devon have been such a blast with the whole Mother / Daughter bonding experience. Despite how they are all so different from each other,  they all love to take me into their family to share some kinky family fun time.

When I met Mommy Lauren, she taught me a thing or two about how she makes her money. She is a sexy stripper that loves to take off her close and touch herself in front of a whole room of horny Daddies. One night she even brought me and her baby girl to the strip club where she worked at. I was so excited how she included me into her stripping act on the stage, along with her young daughter. My cunny got so wet while she stripped away my tiny, panty while her baby girl was shaking her booty on stage.

Mommy Darla has so much fun with her sissy boy son. While I spent time with them, we had a huge fashion show / dress up day in her living room. Mommy Darla and I would be the judges while her cute, sissy son dressed up in whatever we wanted her to wear. She and I giggled at the pretty lil’ dress her sissy son would model for us. She made me so happy when she kept kissing and touching me while telling me how she wants me to model for her. 

There was something about the way Mommy Devon that got me acting so dirty in such a very naughty way when I am around her. She was a blast to play with in all of her trashy, Mommy ways. Meanwhile, her two pervy little ones would take right after her and start kissing, licking, and even sticking me. It felt so good that I could not stop squirting all over the place. She knows no boundaries of family fun time when it would get nasty. 

So I thought I would show them all how much fun I had with them by inviting them over to my house. I know my Daddy would love to play with me and my new Mommies. Oh boy! I just can’t wait til they come over and try out my Daddy’s North Pole in all of their Mommy cream, holes. Who needs a real Mommy when I can play with three naughty, Mommies instead. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Sissy Blackmail

Blackmail phone sexSissy phone sex is fun for me because the sissy that calls me wants to play with Peyton too.  Peyton is a good sport about it, she is a little Princess, so she knows exactly how to handle miserable worthless fucks like him.  He wants to smell her panties and make panty soup and what not, but she has yet to give him anything.  She blackmails him into sending her money, but she hasn’t given him any panties, socks, nothing!  I am so proud of her!  Peyton is definitely turning into the perfect young lady, and she surely understands what men are willing to do for her

Peyton walked up to our sissy and let him smell her knee, then she told him she was going to tell his secretary that he gets into her gym bag when it’s left behind and he licks and smells all her clothes.  She pulled her pants down and stuck her ass in his face, but moved before he could lick her.  Peyton walked over to the couch, sat down and played with her tight little pussy while he stared at her.  She stuck her fingers in his mouth so he could taste her pretty young pussy juices.  Peyton has mastered the skill of sissy training with a small side of blackmail.  I am such a proud Auntie, even though she has a lot to learn, Peyton the little Princess is certainly off to a good start.

Our pretty little Princess Peyton can be found on our sister site YoungOnesPhoneSex.