Category: Daddy / Daughter phone sex

Daddy’s Girls

Incest phone sex with Patricia 2Well, as I blogged awhile ago,  we had this big family reunion!  Omg, was it hot.  The first night we had this big cocktail party, with the emphasis on cock, if you get my drift.  Naked brothers and sisters, moms and dads and, of course little ones.So there were about three dozen of us drinking mostly wine, but some booze, etc. Well anyway I hadn’t seen my younger sister Teri for several years.  We met at the pool bar and were admiring each others shaved pussies.  We got to talking about how we used to masturbate together when we were young horny girls.  This kind of made us both hot and wet. We kissed and played with our clits!Then I looked over and saw Daddy talking to one of my nieces.  Daddy, like me, is trim and athletic.  Full head of silver grey Hollywood type hair.  And A big cock!  Even though the party had just begun, Daddy was fully hard.  Though Daddy likes my big boobs, he is also into small titty thin  types like Teri.Sis and I knew what we wanted.  We strolled over to Daddy and told little Missy to go play (like with some other cock!).  I kissed Daddy with a big tongue kiss, as did Teri.  He fondled our boobs and pussies while we kissed him.  I got so involved with the French kissing that I didn’t realize that Teri was on her knees with Daddy’s cock in her mouth!  It was so hot watching Daddy’s cock slide between my lovely sister’s lips.Being the older daughter, I got the first dibs,with Daddy ramming his hard dick into my eager cunt! We both were so horny for each other that we came within a couple of minutes.  OMG!So Teri being the loving sister that she is, she lapped up Daddy’s cum from from my dripping cunt and kissed both of us.  Although I knew Daddy would be hard and ready to fuck her soon, I ate out my sweet sister’s pussy and gave her the orgasm she needed. What a loving family!

Incest phone sex with Patricia

Daddy’s Blind Date

Kinky phone sex Jenny 11Last night my Daddy went on a blind date while I stayed at home. He was hooked up with this blind date through a friend of his from his work but the blind date didn’t work at my Daddy’s job. So he really had no idea what to think about this blind date, except that he was told that she was a freak in the sheets. However, that was not the entire truth about his blind date. Normally when my Daddy goes out for a night of fun, he usually doesn’t get home until when the sun comes up in the morning. But last night he got home less than two hours later after he left the house to meet up with his date. When he got home, I asked him how was his evening and he instantly took off my clothes and started to rub my clitty. He then told me that his blind date was definitely freaky but in a freaky ugly way. He also said that all he could think about was coming home to my wet, pink hole and filling it up with his Daddy cum. So you know that I made my Daddy feel so much better from that disappointing blind date with all of my tight holes. *giggles*

Sharing Daddy’s cock

Kinky phone sex Morgan Madison 5My Daddy called the other day and said that he would be home early from his business trip. So yesterday Mommy Madison and I picked up Daddy from the airport and took him straight home for the surprise welcome home party Mommy and I set up for him. When we brought Daddy home, we took him straight to the bedroom where we all got undressed. The surprise was that Mommy Madison and I were going to show off how well we can share Daddy’s cock between both of our mouths. Daddy was so thrilled by our surprise that he quickly shoved hi dick straight into my mouth while stuffing Mommy’s mouth full with his cum filled balls. Then Mommy Madison started stroking Daddy’s big cock deeper into my mouth as she pinched my nipples. Then I took out Daddy’s cock and started  feeding it to Mommy. I was so wet watching Mommy suck on Daddy that I reached over and started fingering Mommy’s pussy while licking up Daddy’s balls. What a way to share my Daddy’s cock, right?! ;)

Don’t Put Your Eggs In One Basket

Kinky Phone Sex Lori

Don’t put your eggs in one basket. That’s the lesson here. Know what it means? Have multiple boyfriends :) I figured since it was Spring and finally warming up, I’d be a nice person and share that wise little sentiment with the world. I’m really a very generous person for educating the masses on proper relationship habits. The biggest and most important detail here is to remember NOT to tell each boyfriend about each other. I mean, that’s the last thing you want! If they’re running around thinking that you’re not being monogamous to them, they’re a lot less likely to do stuff for you. That’s why I’ve got such a good attitude. :) The more the merrier, in my book! I have my Daddy on one shoulder, my teacher on another, and a whole slew of fine-looking school boys in between. Now that’s what I call an assortment of flavors. Just in time for Easter Monday, too. Because I’ve risen above the foolishness of monogamy just like Jesus did! I mean, people fooled around openly in his day, right? Amen! :)

Spring Break Vacation with Daddy

Kinky phone sex Jenny 10OMG! I just got home a few days ago from my Spring Break vacation with my Daddy. He took me to Cancun, Mexico. I have never been there before and I have always asked my Daddy if we could go there one day and he told me that if I was a good Daughter and got perfect grades this entire year that he would take me there. So guess who has been doing great in school?! (wink) *giggles* Yippy Skippy for me! My Daddy kept his promise and we took a plane down to Cancun, Mexico. It was so beautiful down there and there was so much to see and do. My favorite part was that My Daddy and I pretend to be married while we were out there. It was so hot at the fact that I can make out with my Daddy anywhere we went. Nobody had any idea that we were Daddy and Daughter which got me more wet in my panties. Everyone around us thought that I was some gold digger that was after his money and that he was some old pervert loving on some young girl pussy. However, as much as him and I enjoyed sight seeing there, we just could not help ourselves to having naughty Daddy/daughter sexy time all over the city. We did it in our hotel room, on the beach and even behind a bar in the alley way. I just loved the way my Daddy was getting so freaky with me while we were there. I just can’t wait to go on another family vacation real soon with my Daddy.

My first sex toy party

Kinky phone sex Jenny 9So I just found out what my next door neighbor lady does for a living. She throws sex toy parties for women at their houses. I know I was not old enough to go but I asked Daddy if I could go and he said yes. However, in reality what happened is that my Daddy has been sleeping with the lady next door to us for a long time now while her hubby is away on business so my Daddy convinced her to let me come to the party as long as I spend money on her sex toys. So last weekend I went and I had a total blast! I got to try out all the toys on myself and on the women that were at the party. So I bought a lot of stuff from her and got wasted while I was there. After the party was over, I got to go home and show my Daddy all the new thing I bought for my cunny and other stuff he can use on me when Daddy and I have our Daddy dicky time. I just love it when Daddy uses my new toys on me while he is cumming deep inside of me. *giggles*

Barbie Girl



Barbie Girl ~ Aqua

I’m a Barbie Girl

In an incest world

My gymnastics,

are fantastic!

You can touch me there,

undress me everywhere.


sex means our creation!

. . .

I’m a blonde, bimbo girl

in a loose, slutty world

Dress me up,

make me suck,

I’m your cumdoll.

. . . 

I’m your whore, rock’n’roll, feel the tightness in pink

Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky…

You can touch, you can play, if you say: “I love oral”

. . . 

Cum on Barbie, let’s go harder


Cum on Barbie, let’s go harder,



. . .

I’m a Barbie Girl

In an incest world

My ass is perfect,

and elastic!

You can touch me there,

undress me everywhere.


sex means our creation!

. . .

Make me fuck, make me suck, do whatever you please,

I can act like a Domme, I can beg on my knees

Cum within,


Let us do it again

hit the town, fool around, let’s go party

. . . 

Cum on Barbie, let’s go harder


Cum on Barbie, let’s go harder,



. . .

My Baby’s Daddy



I have been getting a lot of questions recently about who the father of my little one is and the father of the one I am still making inside me. I thought I would go ahead and shed some light on that now. I do not know who the father of my current little bundle of joy is and I do not know who the father of my little one is. I kind of like it that way. There is the possibility that it is my daddy but there is a possibility that the father is some random person I only met for an hour or two. 

I personally like to think that the father is my daddy. I think that is really hot. I would rather know that there is a possibility that my daddy impregnated me than know who the actual father is. I was discussing this with my daddy the last time he popped in for a visit. He agreed that he might be the father and that makes his cock very hard. I took that as an opportunity to play with that rock hard cock. 

I smiled at my daddy and got down on my knees for him. I took that big, hard pole right in my mouth. I sucked my daddy so hard. I wanted him to cum in my mouth so I could eat it. I get really wet when I eat my daddy’s cum because I think about the fact that I might be eating my siblings! I think that if my daddy is the father of my little ones that would be wonderful. He is a great daddy to me and I know he will be to our little ankle biters as well!

My little kitty

Kinky phone sex Jenny 6You know there is always a first time in a little girl’s first memories of what she called her pussy. For me it was always called my kitty. Lol! My Daddy always talked about my kitty all the time when I was getting older. He just loved petting it, rubbing it, and licking it until it was purring. Yep, there was nothing my Daddy wouldn’t do to get me and my kitty really happy. Especially when he would tell me how much I would make him howl with his hot dog sausage deep into my kitty hole. Oh yeah, Daddy! Give me more and feed my little kitty with your sausage. Lol! Who would of thought that my kitty would like a long frank to stuff inside of its wet hole. In fact, that is still one of the naughtiest things I can think of to call my sweet girl pussy. … Don’t you agree with me Daddy?! Yippy skippy for my little wet kitty!

Birthday Surprise

kinky phonesex lilly

My birthday is coming up and some friends of mine got together and threw me a kinky surprise party. Of course the twins were included as were their little ones.
I know it took my girl a hot minute to set it all up and she did a fantastic job.
The party theme was The Brady Bunch. The house was all decorated in a 70’s theme. She had a wig for me, I was Carol Brady. she was Alice and her boyfriend was Michael Brady. Her little ones were just the right age for Greg, Marsha, Jane and Peter and the twins were Cindy and Bobby.
The party turned out to be one kinky time. Who would have known the Brady’s were such a horny, incestuous bunch?
It was the best birthday celebration ever! I can’t wait till next year to see what they have planned. With my girls imagination there is no telling but one thing is for sure it will be a kinky good time for all of us!