I am an innately sexual creature, I can’t help myself, but the stars have said that’s just how it is for someone like me. I will always crave touch, intimacy, because that is what the universe has decided for me.
My dad doesn’t believe in all of that stuff, but I think it’s pretty important, or at least cool, some things are just true for everyone. I believe he is also a very sexual creature… Luckily that is something we can agree on. He seems to get really tired of me bring up stuff like star charts, and zodiac signs, once he even wanted me to shut up so bad that he just took his cock out and made me open my mouth.
I was pretty surprised at first, but I sure do love surprises! There’s nothing like the feeling of a big, thick cock sliding down my throat, I just love it!
I was all too pleased, and soon enough ,so was he. We just kept going and going and going! I was quiet, but I forgot all about the stars for a good while when my daddy was fucking me that good and hard like he did. It was great!
That day he fucked me so hard I was walking funny for the rest of the week, I took it in my ass, mouth, and pussy before he left me on the floor of my room covered in his thick liquid, trying to catch my breath and clean the cum off of my tits and out of my holes.
My horoscope for the day said “get ready for someone to make you shut up.”
So I guess it was kind of in the stars.
Category: Daddy / Daughter phone sex
Thigh highs and heels…
Today we went to church as a family…
I stepped out of service to go get a drink of water…
Daddy was right behind me…
We walked hand in hand up to the 2nd story of the church where it over looked the preacher and everyone in church…
That is where my daddy slipped his hands up my thighs…
He loves to fuck me in-front of god.
He wants god to know that he really loves his baby girl.
He loves me so much that he fucks every hole he can while we are in church.
It is so exciting!!
There is a chance that we could be caught or be too loud..
But I love laying down and letting my daddy push his big hard cock deep into my tight little pussy.
We are above every one in the church, and I love that he is fucking me..
Fucking myself for daddy
I love it when daddy fucks me.
Tonight he wants to watch me fuck myself.
He gave me two vibrators for my birthday.
He wants to watch me make myself cum!
And I am more than happy to squirt for him~~
I want to make daddy happy.
I put one in my pussy as I hold the other on my clit.
I like that he is watching.
I like these toys.
I want more toys like this for Christmas!
I hope daddy is going to like the show i play for him!!!
Daddy’s School Girl.
Daddy I remember when you told me that you like me in my school uniform. I decided to get a very special one just for you. Do you like how I look in the sexy outfit. I’m such a pretty good who loves being bad for her daddy. I love when you just stare at me and have that ‘I want you’ look in your eyes. I love being able to please my daddy. That is why I am always doing those sexy things for you. Do you remember what you said was your favorite thing about me being my my school uniform? You said it reminded you of how much we use to play when I was a little one.
I love being daddy’s girl and getting naked in front of you. Letting you watch me take off my clothes one by one. Look at my perfect perky tits. Don’t you like how my nipples stand hard for you. The way my breast feel pressed against your bare skin. Watch me take my skirt off. Don’t you love my young pink teen cunny. Cum play with me daddy. I’ve been a naughty school girl today.
Family fun phone sex while watching The Orange Crush
When I was a small girl, my family lived in Philly. If you live anywhere near Philly you know that sports is almost considered a religion. One of the sports that my big brother and Dad love is Hockey. I could never understand what the fuck the big deal was when I was really little. All I knew was that for a few hours, my brother and Dad would be in the living room shouting at the TV and drinking beer, and they were happy. My Dad would pull me onto his lap and tell me to watch. This is when I was able to begin collecting my Family fun phone sex stories that can now be enjoyed by all of you.
It wasn’t until I was just a couple of years older that my love of Hockey grew. By this time I had been having a cock sucking great time with my brother and Dad, but we could only do it when my Mom was out of the house. Those times were few and far between because she was a stay at home drunk. But on Hockey nights? She would leave because she couldn’t stand it. I remember going down on both of them as the crowd roared in the back ground, they would pump their cocks into my small mouth in time to the organ music that was helping stir up the crowd.
When I became older still and our financial situation improved my Dad would take my brother and I to the games. I was already in love with the sport because it gave me play time with my guys, but now, NOW that I could understand and see the raw power of the players. The brutality of it, it made me fucking wet as hell. I couldn’t get enough. I would masturbate looking at pictures of Eric Lindross for Christ sake. My brother and father thought it was cute and even one year for my Birthday my Brother showed up wearing a signed Eric Lindross jersey with a goalie mask on (no Eric Lindross was not a goalie). Him and my Dad took turns wearing it and coming into my room to fuck me all night long. Now you can see why I love Hockey so much and also why I enjoy Family fun phone sex even more.