Brother/Sister Phone Sex

brother/sister phone sexBrother/Sister phone sex is so much fun with brothers that are so special like mine. When mine comes over to visit me they always make me feel like I am the hottest girl there is. They can not keep their eyes off of me. I see the way they look at me when I walk by. I turn their heads with my voluptuous ass. But, today I noticed someone looking there I never noticed before my youngest brother he could not stop looking at me. I saw how he reached between his little legs and started to squeeze his tiny pee pee. I walked over to him and said go head pull your pants down let me see that little pee pee. He put his hands on his lap covering his cock begging me to please not make him. I told him it was okay as I leaned over on my knees in front of him. I slowly moved his hand away and pulled his little pee pee out. I was amazed at how hard it already was. I put it right between my lips and kissed it all over, making me cum before I even got a chance to suck it. It is okay though cause we will be doing a lot of this incest fun.


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