Brother/Sister Phone Sex


My brother left for school today I am so sad about it. I will only get to see him every 2-3 months which means not as much incest fun for me for a few months at a time. He said he needed a hot picture to take with him so I went and got a few taken for him and this is his favorite he said he is making it his screen saver.

We are going to be having some hot brother/sister phone sex every night. I can just sit back imagine all the times I got to feel his rock hard cock deep inside of my throat as he squeezed my beautiful nipples and made them oh so hard!

He was my favorite one to fuck on our family fuck weekends. I guess now is the perfect time to start working on my younger brother now and get him to start playing with his big sister. Although I am saving myself more for my older brother. I want to have his baby when he comes back in 2-3 months he said we could try. If I am not already pregnant from him cumming in me so many times! I love brother/sister incest!

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