Breeding Sex with my sister

sex with my sister

Breeding Sex with my sister is always a fun time for your cock. All the little sluts are ready to be impregnated with big milky titties. They say they love watching me and Aunties being so big and round with the next set of slutkins and they are so jealous. They still are so young and precious and mother nature is working her magic, but they are impatient. I know they are eager, but the most important thing right now is to get my baby sister knocked up so she can have her first slut. It’s important as the head of the family’s daughters that we both keep putting rugrats out into this world. I decided that since my brother knocked me up I would use him to implant her little womb. He is daddies and his first wife’s son. And so far my little angel is perfect in every way.  The way we do things to make sure there is a successful pregnancy is to have another female prime that little cunny! That’s where I come in for sister breeding. I lick her little punani until she gets all creamy and open. And My brother gets hard and jerks his cock watching as I get my sister ready for brother impregnation! Enjoy Brother / Sister phone sex with me and give up that baby batter for our little sister! 

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