Boot Camp Baby

hot phonesex darla2 hot phonesex darla3A horny bitch wanting to get her pussy worked slam to hell, that is me! Ready to fuck and suck my soldier boys to happiness!  I keep track of the boot camp graduations in the town next to me. All those strapping young soldiers that have not had any pussy for two months are calling my pussy’s name. I make it a point to visit on graduation day. I know what hotels they go to when they get out. It is inevitable that I get the shit fucked out of me. One right after the other. Sometimes several of them at once. Oh yes I can take on these horny young things! I go home sore as hell, barely able to walk and full of lots of hot cum. They fill up every fucking hole I have with jizz and I love it! Fucking and sucking and drinking all weekend. When I support our troops I do it right and they know they are appreciated! They cum locked and loaded when they get out of boot camp just like I like it! One day I will get pregnant and then I will play with my little soldier just like I did his daddy!

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