Big Boys Have Big Toys

kinky phonesex darlaThey say the size of a mans toys is to overcompensate for the size of his penis.
Nothing makes me hotter then a big strapping stud with a little dick and the love of my silky soft panties on his little bitty dicky.
So when my big strapping sissy boy went out and bought himself a silver SUV that looks like it could double as a tank in a war I wasn’t really surprised.
What did surprise me was how attached he was to his new toy. He never had anything that he spent all day with totally ignoring me and my desire to see him prance around the house in panties, his giant frame balancing on his pretty little heels with make up and a wig on was driving me crazy.
But since he bought this monstrosity of a truck he spends all day out side in tight daisy dukes, with no shirt on, washing and waxing and cleaning it to perfection. I must admit the daisy dukes are hot, but not as hot as if he was inside in his pretty panties letting me play with his little clitty.
Anyway I decided to get up earlier then him this morning and go out there and do some washing myself. Using my titty sponges. The look on his face when he came outside in those daisy dukes was priceless. But the icing on the cake was when Harley came out in one of my old bikinis and jumped right in soaping up the truck with his little dicky sponge.
It turned out to be a load of fun. The neighbors all staring at us scrubbing this monstrosity in the driveway, laughing and having a good old time in our not so conventional outfits and our not so conventional ways.
When we finished up we all went inside and my sissy boys got all dressed up for me, made me dinner and pampered me just like I deserve. Which in turn earned them both some great clitty time and the honor of being able to squirty squirt in their panties getting them all sticky just for me!kinky phonesex carwash

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