Incest sex is a popular topic with me. My callers are not uncommon in their naughty desires. My favorites are the incestuous family love that is had between a mother/ wife and son/ husband. We love to enjoy that sweet young pussy of a little girl. The sweet smell of that cunt. That first lick of those tender pussy folds.
Undeniably some of the hottest fun on calls is to share in seducing a young girls cunt. Finding you with your little sisters panties was the start of it all. When I walked in on you, there you were naked on your bed and a pile of your sisters panties alongside my panties. Laundry raiding of the dirty panties. Obviously you were really enjoying the smell of our cunts in those panties.
Finally noticing that you were erect and stroking with my favorite silky panties while you sniffed those little girl dirty cotton panties. The realization of just how naughty you are came to fruitation.
Without any hesitation I went and brought your little sister to the room and told her to undress. She crawled up on your bed and spread her legs.
In conclusion the realization of what has been going on all along under my nose came to light. I asked your sister if she liked to play with her big brother. She smiled nodded her head and pointed to her cuny. “I love when my brother licks me.. here” as she points to that sweet pink pussy.
Penetrating both your sister cunt and mommy’s with incest sex
At this moment I had no choice than to join in. I started to lick your sisters little cuny and play with my pussy. The whole time you had her sucking your cock. Soon enough I will be helping you penetrate her cuny and my pussy. It will be quite hot to impregnate the two of us, don’t you think?