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Brothers & Sisters

Incest phone sexBrothers and sisters have a special relationship, so these relationships tend to shape how we interact with others in their outside lives.  I have experienced many types of brothers and sisters in my lifetime, and I’ve noticed the ones that are close tend to have healthier marriages that those who don’t.  Of course, this is only my opinion because I haven’t yet achieved a full case study to prove this theory.  I am currently working on getting enough volunteers to help me gather data to prove my theory here.

Brothers and sisters usually have a small amount of sexual tension between them as well.  Sometimes that sexual tension is enormous, and other times it’s minimal, and sometimes it’s like when Mom and Dad are kissing – you don’t want to see it, but your happy it’s happening because Mom & Dad are happy.  I had a caller ask me if he was an awful person for taking his sisters panties and licking them then masturbating with them.  I explained my position on the matter and let him know that this is very common, and how does he know his sister doesn’t feel the same way.


Incest phone sexSexuality can be the most complicated question we ask ourselves these days, but its not anything we should shy away from in the least.  I was asked if a guy sucks cock, does that make him gay?  I don’t think we need to put labels on anyone like that because there are too many factors to consider.  First of all, was the cock sucking a voluntary action or was it coerced?  Second, was the cock sucking the cock suckers idea, or was it thrust upon the cocksucker suddenly by the cock suckee? Third, was alcohol involved?

These are all very important things to know and consider when addressing the question of sexuality.  I don’t think any one thing makes a person gay or straight.  I am a straight woman, but I will eat pussy any day of the week.  Does that make me gay?  Does that make me not like cock too?  I don’t think so!  Cock is a very important feature for me, and I demand it, crave it and need it for all fucking adventures, but if there’s pussy there I will enjoy that too.  I don’t think we should be so quick to put labels on people.  If you like to suck cock – do it!  If you like to eat pussy – do it!  If you like to be sucked on or eaten – let it happen, there’s really no need label it.

An Experiment With Greg

Incest phone sex

Sometimes I get calls from guys who want to be “fixed” or “cured” of their kink.  I always start out by asking them what their kink is and why do they think it’s bad.  Well, I got a call from Greg, and his call started out with him telling me how little ones excited him, but he wasn’t a p-daddy.  He wanted me to help him so he could pursue a normal relationship and have a lifestyle that wasn’t different from everyone else.  I already knew this because we spent a few minutes in instant messenger while he outlined what was happening.  We decided to try an unorthodox method of therapy for him.  Greg accompanied me to a seminar that I was a guest speaker for, and he reluctantly agreed to be my test subject.  I explained to the room full of women that Greg had an extreme interest in young ones, but he didn’t think he was a p-daddy

My test was simple; I would present Greg with girls of all different ages and see what his reaction was to each one.  I had a line of beautiful girls in several different age groups waiting to tease and provoke him.  The theory will be proven based on when his cock gets hard.  The first few college co-eds did absolutely nothing for Greg’s cock.  Greg indicated that they were beautiful, but his cock told a different story.  A high school cheerleader was also a no go for Greg, and he seemed a little concerned about that.

A young sweet little morsel seemed to give Greg a raging hard on.  I spent some time going back and forth from the co-eds to the young ones and it was clear that Greg is indeed a p-daddy.  When his little one was brought out I thought Greg’s cock was going to explode because the shaft of his cock was so purple and swollen already.  The site of his own flesh and blood standing there in her diaper looking delicious was too much for Greg, but when she grabbed his shaft that was it.  Greg blew his load everywhere, so now he really can’t argue about it anymore.  I do believe we need to re-test and re-test just to make sure we are accurate in our confirmation of his p-daddy.

Foot Fetish

Family fun phone sexFoot fetishes are all so different because there are so many different variations of the foot fetish.  Some guys like shoes and stockings at all times, while other guys want to worship the shoes, the stocking and in between those toes.  I’ve talked to all kinds of different shoe fetish or feet fetish guys because ultimately its the same thing.  The nuances that make it different are simply left to personal preference.  I dated a guy once who had a foot fetish, but he didn’t like shoes at all.  That is a very rare fetish – the guy who just likes the feet in the bare position because most guys want to see their wives or girlfriends in shoes and clothes that make him happy.  When it comes time for him to play with me, I’d sit back and let him do what he wanted to because licking and sucking the toes had to happen for him.  It doesn’t matter what the fetish is, as long as you enjoy it then there’s no reason not too.  If it feels good – do it!

Panties, Pantyhose and Lingerie

Kinky Phone Sex

Panties, pantyhose and lingerie are some of the sexiest items available to women today, but some guys like to play with them too.  I have a weekly date with a guy who loves to wear and play with panties and pantyhose, and last week he shocked me!  He asked if he could have the panties I had on, and of course I said yes.  He started showing me different materials used to make pantyhose, and I started to get extremely turned on.  He must have noticed because he was blushing pretty significantly, so I moved closer to him.

I could see his cock was bulging out and trying to escape its current prison, so I unbuttoned his pants and released it.  I was very excited to see how thick his cock was, and in my excitement I grabbed him and shoved his cock down my throat.  He took the softest pair of pantyhose that he had with him and rubbed them on my face and down my neck; it was such a turn on for me.

He picked me up and took me to the couch, as he sat down he put me on his lap.  I wasn’t wearing any panties so his cock slipped right into my very wet and waiting pussy.  It was so fucking hard it took my breath away.  I rode his cock for several hours and in between we would talk about and feel the sexiness of all the pantyhose, panties and lingerie.  I never knew just how sexy these things could be.

What’s Your Fantasy?

Kinky Phone Sex

I was talking to a guy last week who wanted his girlfriend to stroke his cock with her feet, but she wasn’t sure about it so she couldn’t bring herself to do it.  Sharing fantasies can be very tricky when you are starting to get to know someone.  One of the questions I get all the time is “How do I tell my partner that I’m kinky?  What if they aren’t into it?”  I usually say the same thing; In order to determine their interest you have to create a safe environment to expose them to it and watch how they respond.  For example, say you are into feet, and your girlfriend asks you to go shopping with her.  Ask her what she’s shopping for, and if she says shoes then nonchalantly agree to go with her.

When you are at the shoe store, sit in front of her and offer to help her try on the shoes.  If she lets you help then she most likely won’t mind you touching her feet.  Very softly caress her feet as you help her put on and take off each pair of shoes, and if she responds positively then keep going as far as you dare go in public.  This is valuable information for you because you know she doesn’t have an objection to you touching her feet.  In a private setting you may be able to get her to jack you off with those feet you lust after so much.

So Many Questions…

Incest Phone Sex

I get asked all the time what the most popular Fetishes are, but it’s really difficult for me to answer.  The Mommy fantasy is quite significant, but the Daddy fantasy is equally intriguing.  Family desires takes so many different shapes and forms that it’s hard to say which one is the most popular.  I can tell you that popularity is not what’s important here, what’s important is that everyone involved is having a really good time.  Consensual family fun time can be the most rewarding and the most exciting time you can spend up.

When I was younger my uncle would come into my room and put his hand in my panties, lick my clit and fuck me.  I loved every moment of it, and I used to think there was something wrong with me.  I searched my entire life to find out how to fix me, but then I realized that there was nothing wrong with me.  I still fuck my uncle, and we’ll probably do so until he dies because his cock is huge.  Aside from the fact that he has a huge cock he knows how to get me off, and it feels good.  I’m a firm believer that if it feels good you should do it.  So you see, not everything you wanna do is bad.  Remember – if you are unclear about anything you want to do, or have done just let me know and we can talk about it.

Married Men

Incest Phone Sex

Married men are quite the complex topic don’t you think?  I love married men, single men, short men, tall men!  I think you get the point, I love men.  I am always asked if it’s ok to be with a married man, or how do I feel about a married man.  Well let me say this, I have a great fondness for married men, and I hope that every married man has the pleasure and benefit of going home every night to their wife and fuck the shit out of her.  Married people often forget how to communicate, and unfortunately sex is the first thing to get lost in translation.

If you’re married, single, have friends with benefits, or are in the arms of someone who will get you off then make sure to eat that pussy, suck that cock, and make them feel so good that they want to do it again and again.   If we all appreciate the body of the person next us then we will smile more often, and that creates positive energy for our day!

New Year’s Resolutions

Incest Phone Sex

Sucking more cock, easting more pussy, or fucking more often aren’t usually topics that end up on the list of New Year’s resolutions, but for some people it’s all they think about.  Abstinence is sometimes a resolution people try to make if they have an addiction to sex, but it’s not usually successful.  Just like any other resolution made, people try to fix everything all at once with the beginning of a fresh new year.  This concept always has the best of intentions, but if you are used to having a cock in your mouth every night then you will have a difficult time quitting all at once.

It’s like trying to quit smoking, all of which are oral fixations and very hard to quit all at once.   If you have a personality that causes you to easily become addicted to things then you need to slowly and carefully wean yourself off the things you are addicted to.  That’s where I come in, if you are addicted to sex or anything else I can spend the time talking to you about your addictions, and I will make it so much more fun to discuss the things that fuel your addiction.  Who knows, maybe your addiction is actually healthy, but you want a different way to express it.

Incest is Best with a Sexy Therapist

I get calls from guys asking if its OK to fantasize about having sex with their mother, and I explain the very primal reality of loving our mother.  Mom is the first one who shows us intimacy so its only natural that a son would want to connect with his Mother that way.  What many people don’t realize is that Mom sometimes has the same need for the son that he has for her, and sometimes the Mother will initiate sexual activity without even realizing it.  Last week I was talking to a Mother who would go out of her way to drop her towel after a shower right in front of her son, and she’d bend over purposefully exposing her freshly shaved pussy.  She was telling me she didn’t realize she was doing that to him until he pointed it out to her.  She told me she thinks about sucking his cock, or riding him almost every day, but she had no idea she was teasing him like that.  Last night things got really exciting for her when she got into the shower and a minute later her son stepped into the shower.  She said he took her over with one arm around her waist and a kiss so powerful she couldn’t help but fuck him.  I assured her that this is not as uncommon as she would think, so if they both consented and had a good time then there’s nothing wrong with a little family fun time.