Yes, Autumn is my favorite season for enjoying Milf phone sex calls. I love bonfires and keeping warm with hot cider and heavy blankets. It’s kinky to take calls when enjoying a nice fire and hot beverage. Feeling cozy and relaxed.
Another way I love to keep warm is in a sleeping bag made for two, with my big brother. We had fun Friday night with a bonfire, hot whiskey cider and a nice fucking under the big open sky. I love the fact that we have a more sexually open family than most. This is especially best when my uptight sister isn’t around, or the Sister in law. Those two are just prudent cunts. You can understand why my brother divorced his ex. She was just putting such a damper on his happiness. It’s no surprise he has won full custody of my nephew and niece.
I have enjoyed great family times with them all. I have fucked my prudent sisters husband, and fucked him so damned good he is always trying to get with me again. I am not the marrying type. I love sexual freedom and embrace it. It’s why I am a sex therapist and a very open minded Aunt to my nieces and nephews. It’s wonderful to live for myself and fulfilling my own pleasures. I am always open to discuss family matter’s and needs with you. We can have kinky Family fun phone sex together.