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- School Fund Raiser — 14 comments
- Mommy’s College Boys — 14 comments
- Bath Time With Daddy and Aunt Helen — 12 comments
- P-Mommy Using Sister’s Little Sissy Offspring — 1 comments
- Using My Little Sluts Mouth — 1 comments
My treats will be extra special for my Nephews this year. I was going to wear a maid’s outfit for Halloween, but when my one Nephew saw the Nurse’s outfit he insisted that I wear that instead. I told him that I would love to wear it for him but I wasn’t sure that it would actually fit anymore. He asked if I could try it on for him and his two cousins. They were all there because I was babysitting them. Remind me to start charging for all this babysitting I have been doing lately. This happens every holiday season! Alright back to what this blog is really about …
They came into my bedroom and I changed into the Nurses’ outfit. Turns out that it fit perfectly, expect for in my tit area. I couldn’t zip it up at all. They didn’t seem to mind. They told me I looked so hot. My oldest Nephew suggested that I wear my fancy red shelf bra under it, because that would make my tits look even bigger. It is all well and good to wear this for my Nephews because we play together and you know that I really enjoy them spending time sucking on my huge tits, but for answering the door? I wasn’t too sure.
I told them that if they spent time eating my pussy, and then letting me have fun with their little cocks for a few hours then I would wear the outfit for them for Halloween. They were so excited! We had so much fun, they had their mouths all over my pussy, kissing, licking and tongue fucking my pussy. I was sucking on their tiny cocks, and stroking them off, then one of them came on my stockings. I told them that I should get more outfits like this, and introduce them to role play. They didn’t know what that was, but have every intention of showing them.
If you happen to come to my house for Trick or Treat this Halloween, I hope you like my costume, because my Nephews certainly did.
My sweet little Nephew spent the night last night, along with one of his friends. They are both so darling and sweet. My Nephew was so sad that we couldn’t play because his friend was there. After I explained why we couldn’t then he felt a little better, but I felt awful knowing that his little heart was broken. He had told me his pee pee was getting hard on the car ride over and he couldn’t wait to play, which made me telling him no all the worse. I gave him a big hug then sent him to play with his friend.
We watched a movie together and then it was time for bed. He asked me if him and his friend could stay up just a little bit longer to play on my PS4. I told him that I would give them thirty more minutes, but when they heard me call for them they had to go to bed. That’s when I came up with an idea. I went upstairs and put some of my pretty lingerie on then waited. I called for them to turn off the PS4 and get to bed.
I laid back on my bed to play with my pussy as I heard them turn off the lights and run upstairs. I had left my door open just a little bit knowing they had to walk past in order to get to my guest bedroom. I heard them talking, then nothing but silence. I could hear them whispering to each other and my door creek open just a little bit more.
I grabbed a toy from my night stand, sucked on it, played with my tits, laid back and fucked my wet pussy with it. The boys were dead silent, I looked at the door out of the corner of my eye, both of them had hard-ons. I could clearly see them under their jammies. My nephew was rubbing on his, and his friend was wide eyed watching me. I came on my toy, then closed my eyes. I could hear them running down the hall to the bedroom. I yelled to them to say good night, they both yelled back a night night Aunt Helen.
I waited a few minutes then slipped down the hallway to check up on them. Both of them had their tiny dicks out and my Nephew was showing his friend how to play with his pee pee. It was the cutest thing ever! I watched them for a bit then went back to my room to go to sleep. In the morning I made them breakfast and we played some video games together until my Sister showed up to collect the boys. Part of me was worried that my Nephew’s friend would say something but in honesty I highly doubt he will. Perhaps next time I can be a bit more aggressive with what I do. Who knows, I might have a new little cock to play with.
My neighborhood is incredible. No matter what I need done around the house I can always find a young man who is willing to help me. Sometimes they just show up at my door wanting to do something, anything at all as long as I “pay” them. Seems word travels fast among the younger boys. There are a couple however who I pay for with actually cash, as they have been doing chores for me for a very long time and it has always been a cash arrangement because they help out their families with the money they make.
Jordan has been mowing my lawn for a few years now, he told me the other day that he wouldn’t be able to do it anymore because he was going off to college. He saved all the money I had given him and along with student loans he was able to go, but his Brother could take over if that was okay with me. I told him to bring him over and I would give him a try. Jordan brought his little Brother over and immediately my Mommy Pussy became wet. What a cutie pie! He was so shy, he kept trying not to look at my tits, but he couldn’t help himself.
He mowed the back yard and did a great job. I was impressed. I told him to come back the next week by himself, and he did. I invited him in, and worked out the pay. He was just happy to get any money at all, but again, there he was, with his big eyes locked onto my tits. I asked him if he knew he was looking at my tits. He turned so red. I told him that it was okay, it was a natural thing to do. I asked him if he ever had seen a girl or woman naked before, he said no.
I told him that if he did an exceptional job on my lawns that not only would I give him his pay, that I would let him see my naked tits. He spent so much time on my lawn I thought that he would never be done. It was perfect, he did such a wonderful job, I was very happy. I brought him into my house, took him into my bedroom, pulled down the top of my dress and I let him touch them, kiss them, and suck on them. I am going to take it slow with him, because he felt a little bit uncomfortable, but his tiny cock was definitely standing on end in his shorts. I gained a new lawn boy and a new sweet cock I can play with.
It is almost time for all those little munchkins to come knocking on my door for some yummy candy. I always dress up in costume. I think it adds to the fun. A few times in the past I have seen some very unique costumes come to my door. I get to fuel my fantasies with all these small ones right there in front of me. I know exactly which ones I will pick. They are the ones who I catch looking at my ample tits, or my legs.
This year I am going to dress up as a maid. My outfit is pretty short so that I can tease without saying a word. I know I will catch a few little boy’s eyes with an outfit like this. I am sure I will run across a few that I would love to bring into my house and have them get between my legs to lick my clit, then shove their pee-pees into my pussy. I would suck on them first though.
I only have a few days left before I get to wear my costume. I wonder if you were a little boy who came to my house if you would come back inside with me, so that I could give you something good to eat.
My one Niece is in her school’s band and she was selling some sort of stupid candy stuff. I’m all for supporting schools in any way that I can. I told her that if she wanted I could do my own fundraiser and donate what ever I made instead of buying candy. Her face lit up so brightly when I told her that. She asked me what I was going to do, I told her not to worry about it.
We all know that sex sells. It always has and always will, so I decided to text a few of the older boys I know about the fund raiser. I decided that a glory hole would be the best way to get that money for my Niece. A lot of the boys in the neighborhood have crushes on me, I know it, but one must be careful with whom one plays with, so I am extremely picky. In the text I explained that there would be a special knock to use on my garage door, they were to wait until they heard me tell them to come in, then they were to walk up to the wall, stick their dick in the hole and they would get a pleasant surprise. However, they would have to pass at least 20 dollars through the hole before we started or nothing would happen. I also told them that this was all on the down low. Nobody could find out about this, it would just be our secret.
I had everything set up, I was so excited. There would be a plethora of young cock for me to suck on. What could be better, I would be supporting my local school, and supporting my need for young dick. A win win situation. One by one those lovely dicks came through that hole. Some of them came as soon as my lips touched the tip. Other’s lasted for a while then shot their loads on my face, tits, or down my throat. I didn’t see faces but some of those cocks that I was tasting were really young, so young I was surprised! I was wondering how they were able to have 20 dollars, I am thinking a lot parents are going to have some money missing from their wallets.
The turn out was much more than I had anticipated. I had a lot of repeat donors. By the end I had a hefty sum for my Niece. When she came by a few days later for the money she was shocked and ever so happy. I actually received a call from her Band Leader asking me if I would consider being a booster for their band since I did so well with my private fund raiser. I haven’t decided yet for sure, but I am leaning toward it being a yes.
Did I ever have fun this past weekend. You know how I very much enjoy playing with my little ones. However, sometimes I like to play with someone a bit older, not by much, but still older. He was riding his skateboard near my house when the trick he was doing didn’t work out the way he had planned. He had a pretty nasty spill. I ran out there to make sure he was alright, he says he was but I wanted to make sure so I brought him into my house.
I checked him over and didn’t see any type of injury. He said his leg hurt, but again I didn’t see anything wrong with him. I looked at his knee, he said it was further up his leg. I was thinking his thigh, he said no, up further than that, then he turned red. I said, “You didn’t hurt your cock did you?” He turned even redder. I looked at him, he said no, his cock was fine, he thought it was his groin. I told him that I could get him some ice and he could ice it for a bit then I would call his Parents.
When I came back into the room he had removed his shorts so that he could press the ice against his injury. I sat down across from him and picked up a book. He sat there with the ice on his boo boo. I put the book down and started to ask him about himself. He said he didn’t know anyone yet, he just moved into the neighborhood. He said that he was thankful for the help but he better get home or his Mom would worry. I told him that I would call her and tell her what had happened and ask her to pick him up from my house. He said that would be okay.
I bent over to grab my cell phone out of my purse and when I turned back around he had a hard on. He tried to move the ice bag in front so that I wouldn’t see, but I quickly went over to him and told him that it was okay, it was a natural thing. One thing lead to another, and him and I were both naked. I showed him exactly what a hard cock can do. He did have an injury so I got on top so he wouldn’t have to thrust. It was a pretty long time before I finally called his Mom to come and get him, but I have to say when he did leave he felt a lot better.
My sweet AB (Adult Baby) Tommy means the world to me. I do not talk about him much because he is very shy and usually when I ask him if I can put him in my blog he says no, then giggles. Tommy is my real time AB, he doesn’t live with me but he moved close to where I live so he can easily come and see his Mommy. I know there are a lot of ABDLs out there who only dream of having a real life Mommy, so Tommy realizes that he is one of the lucky ones.
One of the things he really loves is when I change his diaper. He only wets in them, he doesn’t like how number two feels. He tried it before and called me in a panic. It was rather sweet, I had to drive over there and help him out. Poor dear was so embarrassed, but you should never be embarrassed by trying something new.
We have a changing pad that I made which we place on the floor. He crawls over and I get between his legs, I stop to kiss his tummy, or tickle his toes while he sucks his thumb and giggles like mad. We use Bambino diapers, his favorites are the Classico and Teddy. If you haven’t tried them yet I encourage you to do so. I gently clean him up, paying special attention to his pee pee, rubbing the diaper wipe over it, over his balls, carefully, then go back to his pee pee, I always makes sure he makes a cummy before I put the new diaper on.
After this we snuggle on my couch, he lays across my lap, his mouth latched onto my nipple so that he can suck himself to sleep. I look down into that sweet face of his, he is a very good boy, and he knows it. I told him that once he saves up some more money I think we should look into getting him a crib that he will fit into, we can put it in his room at my place. We are slowly working on getting it turned into a proper nursery. Until then though, we will have to make due with my living room.
Hunter spent the night last night because his Mom had an interview early in the morning and wouldn’t be able to get Hunter to school and make it to the job interview on time. Being the loving Auntie I am I offered to take him for her. I have one rule when Hunter is over, he has to call me Mommy. When he was a bit younger it confused him a little, but now he was used to it. As soon as my sister left Hunter came over and gave me the biggest hug. He asked if we could play the special game because he had been a very good boy and had earned it. He knows the rules on that, he has to do good in school, and be super good for his Mom or we do not play when he comes over. I told him that we could and I could immediately see his little cock plump up under his school uniform pants.
The poor dear, he was so patient, but he could barely maintain. I told him that I would get a shower, then make dinner. I pretended not to notice his hard dick. When I came out of my bedroom, he was playing a video game, I sat down behind him on the floor, he stopped playing immediately because I put his very favorite pair of stockings on. He whipped his head around, smiled, and said, “Thank you Mommy.” I let him kiss my feet and legs, before I had to stop him so I could go and make dinner. I had to chuckle at his reaction, he looked so sad.
He watched me the whole time I was cooking, then after we ate he did the dishes as I sat on the counter, crossing and uncrossing my legs. I thought for sure he was going to pass out because each time that soft wisp was heard of stocking sliding over stocking, he would close his eyes for a second, I am sure it was pure pleasurable agony for him. After the last dish was placed in the dish washer I got off the counter so that I could lead him into the living room. I had him stand in front of me as I took his school uniform off, his soft, sweet body was trembling. I told him that if he gave me a good kiss that he could play the stocking game. He kissed me for a bit, I could feel his cock bouncing against my leg. He pulled back and said, “Please Mommy? I have been such a good boy, Please???”
I smiled at him and gave him the go ahead. I pressed my thighs together as I pulled my legs up onto the sofa. He scrambled on top, pressing his hard cocklet between my thighs to fuck them. He would say, “I love you Mommy.” with each thrust downward. It didn’t take long before the clear liquid came out of the tip of his cock to squirt all over my stockings. I gave him a kiss on the forehead, he got off of me, then got on his knees. He knew that after he made cummies, he would have to make me cum, stopping once in a while to say, “Mommy, thank you for letting me lick your pussy.” We did this off and on all night until my stockings were stuck to my thigh, then they were lovingly taken off to be given to Hunter so that he could suck the cummies off of them.
Yes he was tired for school the next day, but I don’t think it bothered him much, I know it didn’t me.
Time for tuck in little one. Both you and I just love this time of day. When it gets quite and dark. You already had your bath and I made sure to spend a little extra time soaping up your cock. You kept telling me that you wanted to squirt, but I told you you would have to wait. You pouted and begged but you know that Mommy always knows best. You got me so wet from all your splashing, so after I got you all dried off, you had to help me dry off. Your little hands were almost shaking as you carefully removed my wet shirt, taking the fluffy towel to dry off my huge tits.
I had to help with the button on my jeans, but you had no problem helping take my panties off. You didn’t know it but I saw you press them quickly to your face before you placed them in the hamper. When you came back into the bedroom I was fully bent over grabbing my jammies, and panties from one of the bottom drawers. I told you to come over to me so that you could help me again.
You pulled my jammie shirt down over my tits and down my hips. Your hands felt so soft, you were trying so hard to do a perfect job. You knew that if you were a good little helper that your night night routine would include something special. I picked up the panties, twirling them on my finger before asking you if I should wear them or leave them off. You perked right up telling me no to the panties. I laughed then placed them back into the drawer.
Finally it was tuck in time. You took my hand as we made our way in to your room. You jumped up on the bed, kicking your feet around to get under the covers. You asked if I could stay for a little bit and since you were such a good boy I said yes. You lifted the blanket up for me to slip inside with you. It was toasty and warm. You snuggled right up to me, as you were doing that I was running my hand up and down your leg. That cock was so stiff, those balls so very tight. We started to kiss, then before I knew it, I had your cum all over my pussy. I gave you a kiss on your forehead, got out of your bed, tucked in the blanket, then told you sweet dreams before I turned off your light so that you could dream about me.
Do you know what the best thing is about being a cougar? It is the cubs. Of course my cubs are very young. I am more of a Cougar Mommy. I like to teach my cubs all about life. All about sex, all about what can be done with those juicy cocks of theirs, and how to lick their Cougar Mommy’s pussy. Now don’t get jealous I will always be your Mommy, but there are so many more out there who need guidance, love, and care. You wouldn’t want to keep Mommy all to yourself would you? You should always share sweetie.
When I get those cubs into my bed so many lovely things can happen. One thing that they love is when I show them how nice a warm mouth feels wrapped around their little cocks. Those smooth ball sacks being gently sucked into my mouth, my tongue fluttering over them lovingly. Showing them how to fuck my soft, huge tits. Me pressing them together to make it nice and snug for them. Sometimes they cannot wait any longer and they cum all over my neck, chin, and face. I don’t mind, because we can always get that cock hard again.
Then showing them how I like to have my pussy licked, having them press their tongues inside of me, as far as they can go. When I finally lay them down and I get on top of them as their dicks slip into that wet pussy they are ready to explode all over again. Them looking up at me with those eyes, telling me that they want to cum in their Mommy, it brings a smile to my face just thinking about it. You see how important it is for this Cougar Mommy to take care of her cubs? If I don’t, then who will?