Aunt Phone sex w/ A new Abandoned boy!

I just get off to my men cumming over aunt’s phone sex with me. As it just happens, I have a delectable young charge who needs my tender touch. I told him to call me Aunt Isabella. Its better than mommy because his was a real fuck up! He is a shy little mixed skin boy. He has seen some pretty rough shit. My abandoned boy is traumatized, and the only thing that will save him is some special care. I am talking about one on one time with me as his sexual guardian. Call it a gift if you will. I take my p-mommy notions and use them to make poor little boys and girls into the person they should have been all along. Before the horrible life events happened to them! Most of the time they are damaged goods already and that makes it easier for me Now, sometimes a girl will be past repair, but I can show her how to use her little pussy and ass and cock sucking skills to bring in some good money. I had one put herself in college classes lately with the money she made on her back! aunt phone sex

But this boy is shy and so small. He looks nothing like he is supposed to at that age. Well, it wasn’t until I began helping him get ready for a bath that I knew he was super special! It was that he just stripped nude and jumped in the bathtub. He had never had a bath and I had never seen such a large penis on a boy his age. And his small stature made it look even more impressive. I almost begged to wash My foster boy. I was leaning over the tub washing him and I took the plunge! I got all wet and went bobbing for his cock. He spurted fast, but I will make him into a man soon enough! He will be fine he just needs aunt fucking and a lot of it!

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