A Virus Won’t Stop the Family Fucking

family fuckingFamily fucking finally happened again and it was long overdue. My youngest brother snuck over the Canadian border like some Mexican trying to get into the US. He has been here for a week now. My middle brother and oldest sister followed suit and snuck in like he did at the middle of the night to play with me. He told them just what to do and they arrived around 2 am last night. We immediately started fucking like we did when we were young. Our dad was always on some fisherman’s boat in the middle of the sea and my mom was gone working her two jobs to keep the six of us fed and clothed. We knew mom was only using her bed for sleep, so we would all pile in on her bed and play doctor while she was at work. We loved it. It was like a dirty secret. It felt amazing to eat my sister’s pussy while my brothers took turns fucking me from behind. We were still enjoying incest sex when my three sons and my niece woke up early this morning and wanted in on the action. I have a big king bed that can accommodate a lot of bodies. It was a family orgy like it was back in Canada. I have not had this much of my family in my bed since before Valentine’s Day. I will not let this virus cancel the family fun. What I always enjoyed about family orgies were the daisy circles. I love eating my sister’s ass while a son licks my pussy and his cousin sucks his dick and a brother licks her pussy… We can all cum together like that. We left another huge wet spot, but it is no secret. I will happily sleep tonight in the wet spot of family love.

incest sex

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